First of all "Although the band describes Schroeder-Lebec as "taking an indefinite hiatus," we don't expect to seem him rejoining Pelican" makes this article an OP-ED piece being passed off as "NEWS"; scumbag journalism at its finest.
Second, what this band does is DRONE ON AND ON playing with motif and saturating their sound with effects...i.e. NOT COMPOSING MUSIC.
Lastly, I like this band since Isis broke up, and will like this band less when Palms releases their debut.
First of all "Although the band describes Schroeder-Lebec as "taking an indefinite hiatus," we don't expect to seem him rejoining Pelican" makes this article an OP-ED piece being passed off as "NEWS"; scumbag journalism at its finest. Second, what this band does is DRONE ON AND ON playing with motif and saturating their sound with effects...i.e. NOT COMPOSING MUSIC. Lastly, I like this band since Isis broke up, and will like this band less when Palms releases their debut.