Post Commentkillwhitneydead is really, really bad music... how anyone can like it puzzles the fck out of me
Thank you for staying the fck out of Ohio
'its a father fcking gay north american gay fest 2008'
i kinda liked killwhitnydead's older shit. the new shit just sounds like they're writing songs to further brainwash the american military.
Bloodjinn... cute pun guys. Way to never tour outside of the south.
Killwhitneydead is one of the worst things to ever happen to music.
attn: kwd. please stop making half ass metal immediately. or just music in general for that matter....
god i'd hate to be anyone in any of these bands at all
hah everyone on lambgoat bashes kwd, just like every other big name band.
Sample bands are so yesterday. A Stained Glass Romance? Awesome name, gays!
i am truly embarassed to be from the same state as KWD, break up already jerks
I enjoy Bloodjinn, not to found of the others personally, won't be at any of these shows.
gays gayry, gaying, mothergays gayging it up, gayalcious gays, gay ass pirates! *whew* can i get into your club now?!
i really hope that everyone in Killwhitneydead is just making their music as a joke. to see how many fcking gay ass pssys will listen to it and make them money.
KWD = sample breakdown sample sample breakdown sample. okay we get it, you guys like a lot of fcking movies. sweet. no fcking care.
worthless first post