Post Commentoh so now they're post hardcore!?!? give me a fcking break.
heard they had to suck chester's dck to even be considered for the tour
trademark ability to join unexpected melodies and precision playing with the heaviest of rhythms ----- I wouldn't want to miss that, yo. no, word up, g. for realz. 3333
Pass the flask because im about to break..
post nu metal and post hardcore kind of go good together. you have to agree.
the amount of gay radiating from this news is immense.
Worst fcking band on the planet. fck this news post.
pass the flask isnt THAT bad.. last one was awful, as this new one will be
Haha, for a minute there i thought i read something about them touring with Linkin Park? I enjoyed Pass The Flask, fck this band now.
the bled=an unbelievable amount of gayness.
this band sucks more than anything has ever sucked before.
if this is anything like found in a flood i am not intrested at all. and fck you for touring with linkin park. gayggs
the fat guy in this band should go back to selling OxyClean at 4am on channel 10.
"ummm... it sucks dck, is that detailed enough?"
how did they go from their ep to this shit. fck them
I believe the keywords here are "linkin park" and "projekt revolution". 'Nuff said hahahaha.
this band gets worse and worse as years go bye Now there on the dumbest fcking tour with the dumbest fcking bands they sould kill themselfs
Early stuff was pretty solid, hope they learned their lesson after found in the flood. P.S. There's an unusual amount of retard emanating from many of the comments here - if you don't listen to the bled, don't comment.
first post!