Post CommentNow Now Roadrunner. What the fck were you thinking?
Freakboy666 7/14/2007 11:15:41 AM Now Now Roadrunner. What the fck were you thinking? $$$$$$$$$^^
wow.. Roadruner... come on... Obituary, Sepultura, Death, Incantation, Vision of Disorder......... Nickleback...... Atreyu.......
whaaaaaaaat, wow . i would of never seen this coming
"The Atreyu/Roadrunner combination is going to really shake things up" Yeah... I wouldn't hold my breath on things being shaken up at any entirety...
Its allllllll about the benjaminssssss, babyyyy.
^^^that will be after they split with Roadrunner.
"Atreyu struggling to stay relevant after demise of fashioncore"
Hey I understand I guess,... I mean Goo Goo Dolls is metalblades only platnium selling artist. goo goo dolls on metalblade? truth
In related news, new report shows gayry on the rise, worldwide.
Lead Sails Paper Anchor aye? Just when i thought these bands had run out of shit to make up to sound meaningful i'm surprised yet again.
werent they on epic or something? haha blows
since when are these bands this gay? oh wait. this band has always been piss poor and gay
"we feel confident about this relationship and can't wait to start fcking guys together!"
Everytime I read a post on this site, it is negative...everytime. How can you say Atreyu is a "gay" band or every band for that matter? You boys need some help from a brighter light.
Geez we know who's in it for money and music now...its definently not the music part...although they weren't good at making music anyway!
Geez we know who's in it for money and music now...its definently not the music part...although they weren't good at making music anyway!
NOT every band is gay. Just bands that sell out and make horrible music doing so. Bands that keeptheir integrity are fine by me. how many of these people sell out and change their sound. 90 %
so metal junky, get it right. Atreyu sucks, they are MTV wannabes who can't make decent music to sace their lives, fck em.
"Crush", as in the name of the color of his mascara
I'm hoping they get a faulty tour bus, crash, and die in a fiery blaze. fck em.
great. another reason to hate my birthday this year
Atreyu and As I Lay Dying should together so we can bomb their fcking tour buses back to back. Killing two birds with one stone...2 gay bands gone...plenty more to go...actually 3 gone since 18V broke up.
should tour* (fck I hate the computer at work)
Atreyu are terrible, and its disrespectful to the epic bands RoadRunner has had. Century Media has gone all limp-wristed too with hair-in-the-face talentless ass-clowns as well with their new signings (aside from Himsa)
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stop it gayreyu