Post CommentI dont care, Himsa is pretty good. Though, Pettibone needs to differ his vocals a bit.
this sounds good. im just gonna wait and see.
"throat mayhem" whoa buddy slow down on the weener munchin
i thought that himsa sucked a while ago...and still does.
Yeah the vocals get really old really quick. Otherwise not a bad band.
seemed like douchebags when i saw them, music is ok, i'll give it a chance i guess
rochtv 4/23/2007 9:43:07 PM Yeah the vocals get really old really quick. Otherwise not a bad band.
himsa fcking owns you guys are a bunch of fcking pussies.
i can't dig the vocals but i really did enjoy their last album, under rated band thrown in the with the metalcore bullshit of today
himsa is fcking great. looking forward to this one.
Himsa rocks. Way better than In Flames, Iron Maiden or The Beatles. All of you are just wrong.
maybe better than in flames, but there is no way they even compare to maiden or the beatles gay
agree iron madien one of the greatest bands ever
don't care what any of you think I love these guys :) visit soon jerks <3
Himsa kicks ass..... man i can't fcken wait for the new cd. i know its going to kick ass ......
hxctreet, you are still wrong, despite your shameful use of the word "gay".
It better not suck as bad as the last album.
Pettibones's good, but I still like Christian's vocals more.
this album is sure to suck some major jerk
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first post, gay shit.