Post CommentLet's burn down a church in Scandinavia in appreciation.
wow metal blade, reaching way back with vile....
That's pretty awesome about the CC. I won't buy it, but it's still pretty awesome.
Jesus wants to be uuuuugly. Haha. This new Skinny Puppy is hilarious. Oh yeah, Metal Blade back catalog re-issues = Fecal McPherson.
hah imagine in 25 years from now, metalblade rereleasing such classics as as i lay dying, unearth, and all that other bullshit that was popular in 05-06. hahhaa, not a fcking chance.
atleast they chose CC's best cd..ill probably pick up the remastered version of that shit
I was gonna say this sounds like a cash in... I mean metal blade? Never! Seriously though, DVD footage helps.
"we need more money to promote the shitty bands that suck at life we sign" read between the lines
gokillyourself 1/24/2007 8:45:35 PM "we need more money to promote the shitty bands that suck at life we sign" read between the lines... hahahahaha
Sweetness. Both great albums from great bands.
XXXMas 1/24/2007 5:56:20 PM: no goo goo dolls? what a rip off... >>>>>ah ya beat me to it. hahahahaha
"This next song, is about shooting blood out of your c-ck! IIIIIIII CUUUUUUUUUM BLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODDD!"
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