Post Commentsounds like every band i've heard since '03. fck metalblade and the young bands they keep signing.
No pig vocals=no love on the lambgoat board, not that I think this band is good, it's actually horrid.
metalblade newsflash= it doesn't matter if they sound good or not....as long as their either 17 or look good suckin.....
oh just what we fcking need. Goddamnit that's enough of this shit.
WHEN the fck will people realize METAL != BOYBAND? why do you have to sign the next 18 year olds who are kind of okay at guitar but write shit that has been done 5932745 times better 678093745 times before
They sign these no name bands because they get them for a ton of records at next to nothing. Then they pump just enough money into them to get enough lame kids to buy their records and sit back and collect all the profit.
I waiting for them to sign bands named Cruciate and Ligament so they can all go on tour together.
fck uk bands jesus christ......lets keep our music here in the states
"Formed in 2003, a group of 17 year-olds set out to have as much butt-sex as humanly possible."
Here's a surprise. Another run of the mill Metal Blade band! They make 17 year old musicians like my friends and I look bad.
LOL, metal blade does sign anything, but damn, dont catagorize the amazing bands with these new pieces of shit. Other bands have worked hard to get where these "17 year olds" are getting too. Show some respect.
A lot of In Flames influence, much better than the other bands that recently signed to Metal Blade. Breee breee breee
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first post. sucks for them.