Post Commentilickbuttholes 10/4/2006 11:00:38 PM disneycore lol
you are doing "whatever the hell you want" in the writing of your songs...? if you said someone from a shitty label wearing a suit was telling you what to write then maybe you'd have an excuse for being so awful. back to the drawing board!
fckIN gay BAND!!!! brO's need DEATH asap
god this turns me on in a "mark foley" sort of way............................................. ................................................ .... too soon?
wow, awesome news!! cant wait for the new one <3 <3 <3
YES!!!!!!!! BEST NEWS SO FAR THIS MONTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope they get a new van with faulty breaks. please god, make this band die.
now then can go on the surreal life in 5 years!
they go down on us and we go down on them. this is a perfect place becuase as we all know hollywood is full of gays.
not to mention indigo girls are on hollywood too...
SELLOUTS! oh wait they sold out after 'suicide notes'. oh wait, even before that. oh wait, this band is balls.
hollywood records broke up into another. i can only hope it has the same effect on atreyu
They werent getting as much dck as hawthorne heights at victory, so they left in search of a label to fill them up
But you know at least six of the people who ripped on them bought their last album.
I used to think Spazz was a really hardcore band. But then I heard Atreyu. They are the most brutal band ever. They make Spazz sound like homocore
lol @ being on the same label as hillary duff.
SWEET. I can't wait for the Hillary Duff, Indigo Girls, Atreyu Hollywood Records TRIPLE THREAT tour!
nooo, that label RUINED The Suicide Machines, lord only knows whats gonna happen now.
*calls band gays in comments section of news*
Let Hollywood or any other major-ish label make their $$ now on the "heavy band" and then drop them like a mid-90's grunge act when records stop selling.
they're so shitty now that Victory Records doesn't want them anymore... that's saying alot becasue they have hawthorne heights
ladys and gents.... victory just got a lil bit better.
is hollywood still owned by disney? these gays don't get it.
i hope they get sued for using the name Atreyu
You now..I used to think that they had something going for them and they werent to bad...but dudes, OH MY GAY!!!! Thats what they've become
Anyone catch that matt hughes fight where they panned to one of the atreyu dudes with his paid-for girlfriend and gave him a little caption?
90,000 views and 112,000,000 occurances of the word "gay" in comments
lickbuttholes 10/4/2006 11:00:38 PM disneycore...... hahahaha
These dudes think theyre heavy, thats the real scary part
right now, into another is rolling over in their garve
yay they are living their dream of being on the same label as Hillary Duff and Indigo Girls.. gays.
So good that Disney ownz their souls! Now that little midget guitar player can dress up like Sneezy in the Disney World parade when their not on tour.
didn't this label put out the Regis covers album???
wow, i tought they we happy at victory records. boy was i wrong. well good luck to the band .
To put it simply, they are down for us and we are down for them." THEY MEANT TO SAY "we are down to go down on them while they go down on us, because we suck major dck."
most you gays were jocking Atreyu before they made it big. same with bleeding through.
Wow alot of views and posts for a band "no one" gives a fck about.
Bleeding Through are actually solid at what they're doing though. Atreyu have always been a crock of shit, always will be.
butt butt butt butt butt butt butt butt butt butt butt butt butt butt
i hate this band, so very much
I knew this day would come, gays. If you were good, i would call you sellouts, but you suck, so I'll just call you GAY!!!
seriously great band for people who listen to music fused from dog shit and pig c-m.
this is the most posts i have ever seen on any news... i need to go vomit now
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