NewsMay 23, 2006 6:35 PM ET8,516 views

Suicide Silence part ways with drummer

Suicide Silence and drummer Josh Goddard have parted ways as a result of "differences between the band members." Alex Lopez, former guitarist of The Funeral Pyre, will be filling in on drums until further notice.


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penguinsrock 5/23/2006 3:40:47 PM

first post shit fcking band.

MrQuoteOutOfContext 5/23/2006 3:54:56 PM

Shit band and they kicked him out because he wore a stupid mask.

keef 5/23/2006 4:04:54 PM

this goes without saying but i wish they'd all quit

buried_but_breathing 5/23/2006 4:14:10 PM

this trend needs to stop.srsly.

cryptic_slaughter 5/23/2006 4:22:43 PM


amongdan 5/23/2006 4:26:24 PM

antijosh is one of the most amazing dudes in the world. bad call guys.

WORSTGAYHEAD 5/23/2006 4:26:34 PM

ya,fck the steelers!!!!

rhino 5/23/2006 4:51:09 PM

fck THE STEELERS!!!!!!!!!!!

mefuckyeah 5/23/2006 5:02:54 PM

oh cos i care

13225 5/23/2006 5:09:39 PM

dnab tihs

jerryseinfeld 5/23/2006 5:13:03 PM

the mask gimick died in 1997 with slipknot remember

phdevice 5/23/2006 5:19:13 PM

Josh is a good dude. fck the Suicide Silence haters. You all wish you were in that band.

AnotherOneBitesTheDust 5/23/2006 5:42:27 PM

Nope^^^ band is lame myspace band

phdevice 5/23/2006 5:57:54 PM

^^^Every band has a myspace page to further promote themselves. Not quite sure where the idea of "myspace" band comes from.

Fetus_Puncher 5/23/2006 6:02:25 PM

Kicked because he made stupid faces when he was drumming.

pandemon 5/23/2006 6:10:30 PM

crap band. breeee

moshandroll 5/23/2006 6:25:51 PM

damn he was sick. I Like the band, but i gotta admit that the mask gimmick was stupid.

f28r06a42n12k 5/23/2006 6:28:50 PM

Best news since brokeback dropped off the necrophagist show in tempe!!! :-D

tentacles_of_whorror 5/23/2006 6:38:32 PM

man i wish i was in that band..... well not really.

Dik 5/23/2006 6:39:51 PM

Dude. Everyone on here always hates, on EVERY band that is posted on LG. I usually give all of them the benefit of the doubt, and give them a listen with open ears....but holy fckPISS. This band is SO BLAND!! Most boring shit ever.

efyourbrokencouch 5/23/2006 6:41:44 PM

hahahahahaha all the Inland empire "br00tal kids" are gonna have a fit.

a_new_religion 5/23/2006 6:58:54 PM

no way! this fcking sucks. bummer

grudgecityhxc 5/23/2006 7:31:35 PM


CuntSnot 5/23/2006 8:33:15 PM

The drummer was cool... decent band

bloodandgore 5/23/2006 10:30:06 PM

the whole band should just call it quits, horrible fcking band

Point_of_Turning 5/23/2006 11:00:52 PM

Good news for the sake of modern music. Hopefully the further notice never comes.

ITSFUCKINGJUSTIN 5/23/2006 11:13:08 PM

that dude wore a fcking mask. holy suck.

onemanbarfight 5/24/2006 11:05:38 AM

This + my electric razor broke! Bad news day.

josh213 5/24/2006 1:43:38 PM

O NO , O NO , O NO .... O YEA

Ryne 5/24/2006 5:23:49 PM

I still like them. Oh well. Anyways, if you don't like the band, why waste your time checking their news?

xdivisivex 5/24/2006 5:36:25 PM

I like Suicide Silence.

heywhatsupfuckyou 5/25/2006 12:19:44 AM

Big Dirty on drums!

tom_will_rise 5/25/2006 2:04:00 PM

there's a difference between having a myspace to further your band, and having your entire reputation revolve around it. with no releases/touring everyone knows who they are... no respect from me. deathcore is the new screamo

forumdrama 5/25/2006 5:03:02 PM

Oh man, what will myspace ever do if this band doesn't find a full replacement?

fuck_you_bitch 5/26/2006 10:43:33 PM

all of you guys disss on myspace bands yet i gaurantee if you had/have a band, you would have myspace profile so shut the fck up

anonymous 7/31/2014 6:09:39 PM

Haha all you idiots, "MySpace band"? Look at them now! 8 years later they've been on the top for a while it sucks that Mitch died....that band was one of my biggest inspirations in heavy grooving crushing breakdowns metal...2005-2006 I drummed in a band called Rogers Met an Iranian and l listened to all of SS early crushing

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