Post CommentShit band and they kicked him out because he wore a stupid mask.
this goes without saying but i wish they'd all quit
antijosh is one of the most amazing dudes in the world. bad call guys.
the mask gimick died in 1997 with slipknot remember
Josh is a good dude. fck the Suicide Silence haters. You all wish you were in that band.
Nope^^^ band is lame myspace band
^^^Every band has a myspace page to further promote themselves. Not quite sure where the idea of "myspace" band comes from.
Kicked because he made stupid faces when he was drumming.
damn he was sick. I Like the band, but i gotta admit that the mask gimmick was stupid.
Best news since brokeback dropped off the necrophagist show in tempe!!! :-D
man i wish i was in that band..... well not really.
Dude. Everyone on here always hates, on EVERY band that is posted on LG. I usually give all of them the benefit of the doubt, and give them a listen with open ears....but holy fckPISS. This band is SO BLAND!! Most boring shit ever.
hahahahahaha all the Inland empire "br00tal kids" are gonna have a fit.
the whole band should just call it quits, horrible fcking band
Good news for the sake of modern music. Hopefully the further notice never comes.
that dude wore a fcking mask. holy suck.
This + my electric razor broke! Bad news day.
I still like them. Oh well. Anyways, if you don't like the band, why waste your time checking their news?
there's a difference between having a myspace to further your band, and having your entire reputation revolve around it. with no releases/touring everyone knows who they are... no respect from me. deathcore is the new screamo
Oh man, what will myspace ever do if this band doesn't find a full replacement?
all of you guys disss on myspace bands yet i gaurantee if you had/have a band, you would have myspace profile so shut the fck up
Haha all you idiots, "MySpace band"? Look at them now! 8 years later they've been on the top for a while it sucks that Mitch died....that band was one of my biggest inspirations in heavy grooving crushing breakdowns metal...2005-2006 I drummed in a band called Rogers Met an Iranian and l listened to all of SS early shit...so crushing
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first post shit fcking band.