Post CommentAs Atreyu nears the completion of their 3rd MUSICAL CAMPAIGN FOR c-ck TUCKING AND BALL GOBBLING!!
i didn't know you could show gay porn on mtv
ooh i'm impressed. wait, all hardcore videos suck ass no matter who does them.
^^Atreyu, hardcore? R you fcking kidding me. Please don't give true hardcore a bad name by referring to this poor pathetic excuse for a band as such. They're more like gay glamore-core...
^^ because of gays like you, nobody wants to listen to hardcore anymore.. you might as well stick to atreyu cause your giving gaycore a bad name
^^Yes, gay this, gay that, grow the fck up dude. You never will have any idea of what hardcore is. Stick strictly to mindless death metal to make yourself feel dangerous, you might get confused otherwise. fck you & Atreyu equally..
I'm so fcking pumped! Sveeeeet!!!!111111oneoneone
^^fck MAN MEH MAH MAH OMG MAN fck fck fck GAY fck AHHH SHUT UP MEH AHH...gays.
death metal is mindless? - you try playing those parts strongarm...It takes more brains than some dumbasses doing a 108 cover. suck it
I was referring to the formulaic structures most DM bands adhere to, no the talent. Don't get me wrong, I respect the greats like Death, Suffocation, Necrophagist, Cryptopsy, etc, but the stupid close-minded fans(SeveredInTwo) gotta go..
hey Strongarm.. stick to your sissy ass music and stay the fck away from death metal, your not wanted here.. i cant believe pahardcore let you lose to gayize lambgoat
^Try going to a Sheer Terror, A Death for Every Sin, Folsom, In Due Time, Will To Live, OR a Ringworm show and see who the "sissy" is. You'd get you ass crushed. End of Story...
^^ The guys in Sheer Terror are decent dudes, they got put on quite a few DEATH metal shows in the early 90's, so did Agnostic Front! I could never figure out why they were on those shows back then and I'm still wondering why it happens NOW?
^^For example: Obituary, Napalm Death, and fckING Dead To Fall! It's like being BLACK at a KKK meeting!
Stop arguing. You're all gonna download the new Atreyu anyway, gays.
^^ Actually, I'm gonna download your mom taking GIANT HORSE LOADS!
hardcore dancing is pathetic, you gays think your fcking break dancers or something. And dont give me that flailing your fists is more violent cuz you guys just flail your fists at the air and dont even hit each other.
^^You get way more fcked up in a mosh pit at a nile or dying fetus show
"moshing" is for nu-metal gays who couldn't hold a step to save their lives. Its was made for neanderthal meatheads who only go to shows to "fck shit up". No structure, just stupid fcking pushing around.
^ then shut the fck up and go mosh with c-cks in your room while listening to atreyu you fcking douche
everyone should e-calm down and just realize hardcore are metal are both rad, that atreyu is neither hardcore, nor metal and that they suck. we all know that atreyu is ridiculous-core and there's something in common, so settle down.
you all live on lambgoat.com living in your parents bastuffts thinking youre really getting inside info to add to your stupid elitist attitudes...youre all gay
This just in, Atreyu is taking new make-up tips straight from James Hart of Eighteen Visions.
I think gay people hate Atreyu too guys.
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