As I Lay Dying removed from Welcome To Rockville, Miss May I added

As I Lay Dying have been replaced on the Welcome To Rockville 2025 line up by Miss May I. The move comes after the ongoing saga involving As I Lay Dying frontman Tim Lambesis and the drama between not only his former band members but former wife as well.
Over the last few months members began separating themselves from Lambesis just prior to the band's European tour, which was to support the group's new record Shaped By Fire, forcing a cancellation. Following the mass exodus, which also included Austrian Death Machine drummer Brandon Short, video surfaced of Lambesis and his wife Dany having heated exchanges which led to Dany releasing a statement combatting abuse allegations.
Lambesis would surface on an appearance on personal branding coach Justin Wenzel's podcast to discuss the recent events ranging from the exodus, the leaked videos, and his struggles with anxiety and more.
After that appearance a new video would surface of Lambesis mistreating his dog, while others argue the interaction was harmless.
The event organizers shared the following:
LINEUP UPDATE: @missmayiband is joining your @welcometorockville 2025 Lineup! They will take the stage on Friday, May 16th, here at North America's Largest Rock Festival! As I Lay Dying will no longer be performing.
We are now booking your 2025 on-site Pre-Party Lineup (which is FREE to all campers)! Who do YOU want to see added? TAG the Band below and our Booking Team will review in the next 24 hours!
Post CommentLess attention for this guy the better at this point.
Sick, thanks for keeping us up to date on the same copy pasted drama for the 5th week in a row you f*cking pussy. Kill. Yourself.
they weren't removed they let the promoter know they were dropping off. the new members learned the classics for the latin america and fall US headliner (HoBs, known support). another nothing story. there just isn't enough time to do all the places they are requested to perform
"struggels with anxiety and more." Learn to spell, dipshit
I also struggel with eating too much Nachos. Rick here.
Agreed. Better not to post anything related to Tim Lambesis or we'll get another therapy video from his narcissistic point of view. Be done with the guy and unfortunately for the other former members, As I Lay Dying.
Yo también tengo problemas con comer demasiados nachos. Soy Rick.
This is the gayest cancellation I've ever seen. Tim Roidbeastis is innocent
Liberals supported a demented pedophiIe for 4 years. Let that sink in.
Bortslob and right wingers like him actually want a king. They want an all dominant executive that has no checks or balances. They want the opposite of what their snakey flag says. 🤡
Total f*cking bullshit Tim and the guys are already rehearsing and just about ready. He got some swedish guys now. This is cancel culture at its finest. F CK cancel culture. Total bullshit fr
^ ya fr fr bro no cap. You're clearly as stupid as this never-was band. Music for MAGA cucks who failed their GED.
^ get back on the f*cking scissor lift low life mother f*cker. your family and genes are trash
Black History Month Things blacks invented: - AIDS The end.
"Your genes are trash". Says the middle school dropout MAGA mouth breather. Post your gmail. I'll fly you out and curb stomp you.
post your Gmail. Lmao that's as retarded as lurk ip banning me like I can't turn WiFi off. kill yourself
^ another right wing pussy pussing out. surprise surprise.
anonymous 26 minutes ago post your Gmail. Lmao that's as retarded as lurk ip banning me like I can't turn WiFi off oh shit back up! the guy with 3 brain cells figured out how to thwart the guy with 2 brain cells!?
Known members. Large festivals booked. Grammys incoming.
They weren't removed they let the promoter know they were dropping off. ^the b!itch tits bootlicker is back.
Jesus are all the comment sections on this site like this y'all are rabid dogs
Why are so many alt right MAGA bootlickers talking about their infantile views on politics on a music post?
^^^Stfu limp wristed phåggot pussy. Go cry about illegal aliens being deported or something.
Pretty sure he's just a misunderstood sweet guy... History points there --> ❤️
anonymous 6 hours ago ^^^Stfu limp wristed phåggot pussy. Go cry about illegal aliens being deported or something Does your PO know you're using the internet?
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