Adam Warren (Oceano) fires back after controversial Attila tour announcement

UPDATE: Adam Warren: 'I quit Oceano' following backlash over controversial tour
In the wake of the controversial Attila 'America's Rejects tour' announcement, featuring support from Oceano, Dealer, and Nathan James, Oceano vocalist Adam Warren has come under intense scrutiny. Some fans claimed that his decision to join the tour goes directly against previous statements made regarding keeping the scene safe, especially with bands like Dealer and Attila having both been embroiled with sexual misconduct allegations in the past.
Texas DIY record label DS//FP Records said this to Adam Warren on X:
all I'm saying @AdamOnEarth_ is that you have a massive platform in a booming deathcore world that could be taking any of the multiple hundreds of artists on successful tours and make a massive bag but y'all signed onto a tour where people need to cover their drinks and watch out.
To which Adam responded:
The best thing is someone with my standards IS on ANY tour these days. No one no matter their social status should be trusted. A man should be judged by their character and how they treat others. If anything bad is going on, with my platform, you'll be the first to know about it. I don't keep up with internet stuff like that these days. Just know Im pretty busy with family and work.
P.S when you speak of opportunity, ask every merch designer, every band from our headline tour, the local bands we play with, every past band member since I joined, every tour crew member; ask them who have them those opportunities…and then ask yourself How many Job opportunities does YOUR business offer in a month? Hope to see you at a show!
The thread continued with DS//FP stating the following:
man what the hell kind of dismissive response is this. Not keeping up with internet stuff is a crazy thing to say when you sign on a tour package w members who have legal cases. If you checked your messages you would have seen the multiple free services I've offered you for years
And finally, Adam ended with:
What's dismissive about it? I don't represent any other person. I will ALWAYS while on tour not stand for anything bad happening to anyone. Though I am not focused on anyone's life but my own, and I have my own life outside of music and the Internet stuff. So I will be on watch when it's time for tour. I want concerts to always be a safe place. As a man of God and someone who serves others in light You have my word. Much love! ❤️
Link to the full thread:
Adam has continued to engage with upset fans online, and other people involved with the scene have weighed in. Alpha Wolf bassist John Arnold previously called it a "rapist abuser tour" and End It vocalist Akil Godsey brought up a previous incident:
Post CommentYeah that Adam dude May sound kinda goofy but that end it dude sounds straight up trash. Way to be a voice and positive representation for your people bud
End It are one of the worst bands around. Dude thinks he has a platform to spew gibberish like he's some political candidate or something. End your band.
social media is so gay sometimes. bands and their members don't owe you mfs an answer no matter how butthurt you are by their decision
This is one of those situations where everyone involved. Adam trying to say that he needs the money without saying it. Dude from End It working himself up over nothing. Attila and Dealer still full of garbage humans, shows will be full of them too.
Live the timeline where lambgoat starts double posting racist remarks because no one "working" here has a f*cking operational brain
"We only get offered tours with r*pists and I want to tour. So yeah, I'm going to take it."
Touring with r*pists is Biden behavior. Blowing black guys is Kamala behavior.
anonymous 1 minute ago Touring with r*pists is Biden behavior. Blowing black guys is Kamala behavior. ^^ What behavior is it when your mom blows me?
End It is like Body Count but exceedingly more retarded.
Glad it's not 2021 anymore and I don't have a bunch of reddit hardcore new jack f*ck heads shouting about End It from the roof tops anymore.
a black guy calling another black guy a coon because he won't say the N word is insane.
None of yall are bringing up how problematic Boundaries is when the vocalist is a self proclaimed PDFile
No one's bringing it up because no one knows who the f*ck that is lol
Did yall miss that the guy said "make a massive bag" from the tour. hahahahahahahahaha
"massive platform in a booming deathcore world" LOLOLOLOLOLOLZ what planet am I living on?
End It guy has less twitter followers than a small town fire department
Boundaries dude was a bad boyfriend as a teen and his ex still on here pushing the pedo thing lmao. Shoulda just gotten pregnant while you could
Lmfao the fans think death core is at a commercial peak and "get huge bags"
Yall do not know how to run up a bag. Adam tryna get Oceano paid paid. He's right for taking the opportunity
^ for real. has Trump taught us nothing? it's totally fine to build up a consortium of r*pists to be in good company. everyone is so soft.
Boundaries vocalist was caught with 3 minors in a 5 year period. How does that quantify me being his ex gf?
Yall do not know how to run up a bag. Adam tryna get Oceano paid paid. He's right for taking the opportunity ^and you don't know how to speak English. Also, you're a massive retard for thinking Oceano is getting "the bag" on this tiny tour, dumbass.
Didn't the dude have his charges dropped also I wouldn't describe death core as a booming business all these divas, making something big out of nothing
Boundaries vocalist was caught with 3 minors in a 5 year period. How does that quantify me being his ex gf? ^^^no he wasn't, where the f*ck are you getting this from? This that chick from Roman Candle posting then? Sorry you guys got cancelled or whatever
it's 2024, ìf you're a "man of god" you're probably a pedo
I, for one, feel much safer with TOUR COP™️ on the beat.
All these bands suck and should be forced to deport the country.
I'm as big of a basic. 0-0-0-0-0 deathcore fan as they come. And proud of it. But this genre is *checks notes* booming? The hell rock just got taken off of my head?
End It are one of the worst bands around. Dude thinks he has a platform to spew gibberish like he's some political candidate or something. End your band. nailed it.
Does dude know oceano was a c-tier deathcore band at their peak?
I don't keep up with internet stuff I don't keep up with internet stuff I don't keep up with internet stuff I don't keep up with internet stuff
Does dude know oceano was a c-tier deathcore band at their peak? Exactly. They were called Blackchapel back then for a reason.
End It's vocalist Pillow Stomach sounds like an annoying crooner going from car to car on the NYC subway. Oceano dude only cares when it affects his wallet .
Here's what's going to happen if you come up to me 1. I see through you 2. I placate you 3. I leave 4. You remain ignorant That's all you'll ever get
I genuinely dgaf about these accusations. I'm only going to this for Oceano. See you there in in bk and long island.
All these bands suck and should be forced to deport the country. They should be forced to deport the country? Wtf does that mean? Should they be forced to perform raids and deport migrants or did you mean they should be deported themselves? Lmfao. Deport honkies first. Also, I'm sure your taste in music is trash also, since you're on the lambgoat comments like the rest of us.
A. ATtilla draw more than End It ever does B. Fit For A King are big dorks
"booming deathcore world" lmao. The genre is like 15 years past its peak Yet nearly every venue still sells out when the deathcore band comes through. Doesn't matter if they're good or not, whether they have shitty members in them or not. f*ck, even on the weekdays it's a packed house to see these bands.
" anonymous 8 hours ago Glad it's not 2021 anymore and I don't have a bunch of reddit hardcore new jack f*ck heads shouting about End It from the roof tops anymore." They're just bitching Dumbala Harris losing and "the end of the world."
This is what happens when you let anyone and everyone into the hardcore scene.
When did the death metal scene pick up all these pussies? This shit ain't for tender snowflakes crying about others not being a part of their souless orthodoxy.
Akil,your kids need school clothes,stop joining gangs and pay child support
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"booming deathcore world" lmao. The genre is like 15 years past its peak