Twitchfits (Twitching Tongues) set to perform second Misfits tribute show

Cali metal outfit Twitching Tongues have announced their second Misfits alter ego Twitchfits performance will take place October 25th at 1720 in Los Angeles, CA.
Tickets and lineup for the show will announced this Friday, September 6th.
See Twitching Tongues at Better Lovers' Blissmas '24
The band's first outing as the Twitchfits took place last year around Halloween and the performance was captured by 197 Media. The band also followed that up with a cover's album, Twitchfits Vol. 1.
Post CommentThese two are the godfathers of new hardcore and yall cant handle it.
only homo;s call California, "Cali" LL Cool J you ain't.
Absolutely no one uses the term "cali," lurk. No one.
I'm from California and only queers and gays call it Cali.
Bo Lowders is almost 40 and has never had a real job.
Who has a bigger ego…Taylor or Colin? My vote is Taylor. Very smug as well.
I'll bet the Young brothers wish everyone would forget that they were in Fight Everyone. Would really make their whole "we've always liked better music than you" empire crumble.
Too f*cking scared to play Graves era shit too I bet, the try hards
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do you think colin young jerks off to live sets of his bands?? side note - do you think bo jerks off to colin young's selfies??