Post Commentatr3yu sux0rz. i'd probably go anyways, if given the chance. unearth and norma jean kill live.
why the hell do atreyu have to gay up a pretty good tour
break out the tomatoes, Atreyu is back on tour!
atreyu-horrible, unearth-pretty ok, norma jean-horrible, scars of tomorrow-horrible
actually unearth is awesome live.
jhon_doe-"why the hell do atreyu have to gay up a pretty good tour?"---I see no pretty good tour, man
HoB is 18+ where I'm from. That means no one is going to be there for Atreyu. hahaha.
def goin to palladium...unearth at home is gonna be insane
Atreyu has to ruin this good tour. Every one is gonna leave right after Unearth.
This is probably going to be the worst tour of the year. I can't believe anybody would pay to see any of these bands.
Unearth, SOT>Gayu, Norma gay. man, i just burned those two bands with my awesome humor
what3v3r d00d atr3yU i$ $0 aw3s0m3, LiKe ToTaL hArDcOrE mAn
w0w this tour looks like teh sucks minus unearth atreyu and scars is terrible dont even know why victory signed them
This is the absolute worst tour I have ever fcking seen.
i saw sot once. i had to leave half way through their second song. shame on victory records.
I'll go for Unearth, and Norma Jean could be okay, even though they have a new singer. Luckily Atreyu will most likely play last.
*goes after SOT. watches norma jean. m0shes for old unearth songs. leaves before atreyu*
Tim_Diesel/12/11/2004/6:04:37PM/tour de butte
hmm unearth is the only good band on the tour i wish norma jean would brakeup already
this has got to be one of the worst tours ive ever seen. I wish all of these bands would break up, and mike would go back to the red chord
Atreyu > all of you. But they still suck.
every thing is good but atreyu they suck donkey dck live other then that kick ass tour
norma jean is great live, i don't care about the other bands
I'd go for Unearth and SOT; new Norma Jean..... singer needs shot. The Chariot sucks, too.
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