NewsNovember 23, 2004 7:06 PM ET7,118 views

Born From Pain signs w/ Metal Blade

Metal Blade Records has officially signed Born From Pain to a worldwide deal. The Dutch hardcore/metal band was formed in 1997 and has since released three albums with GSR. Here's what the group had to say about the move: "We are proud to be part of one of the world's most authentic and dedicated labels when it comes to hard and heavy music. We couldn't be happier to become part of it's decades old history. Being on the roster with great bands like Bolt Thrower, Unearth, Cataract, Cannibal Corpse, God Dethroned and Amon Amarth to name a few, is an honor. We are convinced that the cooperation between Metal Blade and us will bring both parties what they were looking for and us as a band to be able to conquer new horizons. We are looking forward to the future and what it will bring." The group is currently in the pre-production phase for their upcoming album, "In Love With The End." The album is being produced by Tue Madsen (Cataract) at Antfarm Studios and will hit stores in mid-April.


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xGunmedownx 11/23/2004 4:08:56 PM

first comment, and i don't even care

evil_hero 11/23/2004 4:57:40 PM

this ones for hooker!!!!1111

willxcore 11/23/2004 7:56:55 PM

wow, what the fck is wrong with the music industry lately? I remember when Born From Pain put out a split cd with Redline a few years back.. Redline is fckin broken up and Born From Shit is on a huge lable meanwhile they fckin suck. God dammit.

xGunmedownx 11/23/2004 11:05:15 PM

*was at redlines' last show ever*

warmachinefasho 11/23/2004 11:18:20 PM

5th comment

Jay 11/23/2004 11:20:46 PM

yeah, um....nice job picking bands from Black Market Activities rather then doing any real talent scouting.

retch 11/23/2004 11:33:25 PM

I love this band

jim_dangle 11/23/2004 11:53:04 PM

they JUST released an album on bma.. now they're getting ready to put out another one?!

buckwheat 11/24/2004 12:49:39 AM

Seriously, change your name to Metalcore Blade

RustyPS 11/24/2004 10:15:05 AM

Metal Blade is raping BMA.

Adam_Oshkosh 11/24/2004 11:23:11 AM

no, they didnt just release that, it was on gangstyle for a long time, born from pain picked up the record

Adam_Oshkosh 11/24/2004 11:23:38 AM

fck i mean BMA picked up the record from gangstyle

MustardMan 11/24/2004 12:06:09 PM

to quote the simpsons " willy sees ya , Willy dont care"

gorilla_nuts 11/24/2004 12:38:43 PM

yes i agree with the dewd who said change it to metalcore blade. it's sad to see such a strong death metal label start adding crap like this that sounds just like everything else. VIVA LA CANNIBAL CORPSE!!!!!

xtroyx 11/24/2004 1:30:47 PM

its pretty cool and all that a bunch of talented (sort of) bands are getting signed to metal blade, but the label only seems to be doing it because metalcore is at a new peak this year. i think they lost sight of their roots in the past year or so.

vegans_taste_good 11/24/2004 1:47:56 PM

say what you all want, but metalblade is a label, and its a buisness of corse they are goign to pick up on what is big.

wyldweasil 11/24/2004 6:19:49 PM

*was asked to join redline*

xgabex 11/24/2004 9:46:52 PM

Metal Blade was good when Lizzy Borden, Fates Warning and Hurricane were putting out CDs... thier metal stuff sucks ass now.

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