Slaughter To Prevail's Alex Terrible collabs with Metal YouTuber Nik Nocturnal

Metal/metalcore/crabcore content creator Nik Nocturnal shared a video with his audience on how they too could create a Slaughter To Prevail song in 30 seconds. As part of an ongoing 'series', but more like quick social content segments, Nocturnal will comically inform fans on how they too can write a song in the style of ____ in 30 seconds. Usually, these clips are humorous, and although they do give a bit of context on how the songs are created, it's more pointing out the obvious quirks in the artist's music or style.
Nocturnal's latest piece made it all the way to Alex Terrible, frontman of Slaughter To Prevail, to which he replied he wanted to add vocals to the song. instead of adding vocals to the short clip, the pair wrote and recorded a tune.
The duo has now shared the full song version titled, "Obscurity." Which you can listen to below.
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