Post Commentfirst post.....this should be called "the widened jerk tour"
*realizes what thread is about* god this sucks ass
i'm going with the ms., but only for FFAF.
fck this tour is gay as fck. Only reason why I'd ever ever ever EVER go to this show is to slip some scene girl a rufie and fck em in the ass after the show. And on that note, 11/20 Hartford, CT @ Webster Theatre WILL BE THERE. Sup ladiez.
If a tour couldn't get any worse.. here we go.
I actually like Taking Back Sunday more than Atreyu and wouldn't mind seeing them. Too bad this *late breaking news of finalized tour dates* has been sold out in my town for over 2 months.
d00d this sounds sweet! *puts on atreyu hoodie purchased at hot topic* this tour is for gays.
looks like i'm gonna stay home that night and drive a rusty screw right through my penis. again..........again
fcking hell. Why do people continue to support shitty fake hardcore bands like Atreyu?
OmG omG!!! k3wl!!! TaKiNg BaCk SuNdAy! they're soooooo hawt. hahahahahhaa. fck that, as said before, Shitfest 2k4
I'm sooooo fcking there! <cuts sarcasm with knife>
OMG! That is like all my favorite bands in one tour. I can't wait to round up my 12 year old friends and go to see them... fck THAT!
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1rst view, 1rst post.....I pwn.