NewsJanuary 30, 2023 1:30 PM ET4,131 views

Deadguy tease new material, share two videos of new untitled tracks

deadguy practice 2023

william saunders

Last year we had the opportunity to sit down with Deadguy during the media push for the band's Deadguy: Killing Music documentary release. In that sit down our Editor uncovered that Deadguy was working on a split with Pig Destroyer and currently booking shows. 

The band followed through with booking shows but we had yet to see, or hear for that matter, anything regarding new music. Until today. 

Over the weekend we had the pleasure to sit in during the latest Deadguy practice. During that practice, the band played a few new tracks. Filmed by William Saunders (creator of Deadguy: Killing Music and Lambgoat's Executive Producer of Video) you can watch and hear the two song previews below.

There is no other concrete information available regarding if these songs are the songs that will end up on Pig Destroyer split, but we can report they are writing more material than that. When those new songs will see the light of day, we do not know.


Post Comment

anonymous 1/30/2023 10:51:30 AM


anonymous 1/30/2023 10:56:31 AM

Was the deadguy vaccinated?

anonymous 1/30/2023 11:00:05 AM

Sounds like grandma croaking in the basement

anonymous 1/30/2023 11:06:23 AM

Where's their professional asskissing male groupie Brian Bonilla of dogshit NJ band As Darkness Falls? That clown had his lips surgically attached to Deadguy's nutsack.

anonymous 1/30/2023 11:16:06 AM

Wow, Lambgoat spending extra this month on new fancy business cards for everyone with a title now. Impressed. Too bad it still says Lambgoat at the top, this making people instantly not give a f*ck.

anonymous 1/30/2023 11:19:25 AM

Where's Mike Goo at?

anonymous 1/30/2023 11:29:52 AM

^ Mike Goo is buying tickets to Rob Zombie.

anonymous 1/30/2023 11:42:51 AM

My friend asked me to go see Warthog at this place called Zebulon in los angeles, this was early 2009. I was told all these hot tattooer girls love this band and we could potentially get laid. When I was on the side smoking a cigarette I met Mike goo gorup loading in. Dude is a legend.

anonymous 1/30/2023 11:43:07 AM


anonymous 1/30/2023 12:11:06 PM

No article about how this is in the studio?

anonymous 1/30/2023 12:28:46 PM

Fans of the band Every Time I Die are stoked.

anonymous 1/30/2023 5:34:44 PM

Why does this sound like a new Metallica song

anonymous 1/30/2023 8:15:01 PM

Lambgoat has an editor? Does he even look at the articles before they are posted? Never seen more ridiculous spelling and grammar mistakes than on LG articles.

anonymous 1/31/2023 12:19:24 AM

I kinda liked it honestly

anonymous 1/31/2023 4:06:22 AM

Deadguy. More like Oldguy.

anonymous 2/2/2023 2:56:43 PM

Pass. So when does DEP come back to cash in?

Tags: Deadguy

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