NewsJanuary 2, 2023 3:25 PM ET8,189 views

Job For A Cowboy finishing up new album

job for a cowboy recording

Jason Suecof

For over two long years now Job For A Cowboy has been teasing and hinting about recording a new album. In the Fall of 2020, the band revealed that drummer Navene Koperweis was joining the project and that the Arizona tech-deathcore group had planned to hit the studio finally after being originally delayed by the pandemic. 

Producer Jason Suecof confirmed that JFAC was indeed recording a new album when he appear on Doc Coyle's podcast during the Summer of 2020. He once again spilled the beans this week letting the world know that vocals have been completed for the follow-up to 2014's Sun Eater.

The new album, which has no release date as of yet, will be the fifth album released by JFAC and the first release from the group in almost 9 years.


Post Comment

simon_belmont 1/2/2023 1:02:15 PM

No thanks

anonymous 1/2/2023 1:16:52 PM

Blow Job For A Gayboy

anonymous 1/2/2023 1:17:08 PM

I liked Sun Eater.

anonymous 1/2/2023 1:18:38 PM

Top tier band y'all need to be happier

anonymous 1/2/2023 2:15:49 PM

People lining up for this shit. LOL, nah

anonymous 1/2/2023 2:18:26 PM

Job for a Biden (aka pedo with dementia)

anonymous 1/2/2023 2:27:02 PM

^nailed it

anonymous 1/2/2023 2:31:43 PM

part of the real big six with despised icon, red chord, all shall perish, animosity, btbam. early 00s or bust in deathcore w the whack ass pro tool macbook shit now

anonymous 1/2/2023 2:31:57 PM

nailed it ^

anonymous 1/2/2023 2:40:26 PM

Paulie Walnuts

anonymous 1/2/2023 2:57:41 PM

This album will sound exactly like Paulie driving his car across Christofah's $30K home landscaping

anonymous 1/2/2023 3:04:51 PM

^ nailed it

anonymous 1/2/2023 3:08:16 PM

Jason Suckoff

anonymous 1/2/2023 3:09:58 PM

Jab For A Cuckboy

rick_tocchet 1/2/2023 3:11:12 PM

Leave 2007 in the shitpit it deserves to stay in. Kthanx.

anonymous 1/2/2023 3:54:22 PM


anonymous 1/2/2023 4:27:40 PM

Deathcore, am I right? It's the reason we all live.

anonymous 1/2/2023 4:29:52 PM

Ruination and Sun Eater are great albums.

anonymous 1/2/2023 4:51:02 PM

Job for 18 naked cowboys

anonymous 1/2/2023 4:56:56 PM

"Jab for a Cuckboy" Hahahaha!

anonymous 1/2/2023 5:09:56 PM

Sun Eater had clean bass. No distortion.

anonymous 1/2/2023 7:08:42 PM

No Bree Bree No Care

anonymous 1/2/2023 7:15:09 PM

Dorks with giant holes in their ears are stoked

anonymous 1/2/2023 7:21:22 PM

Job for a Biden (aka pedo with dementia) ^Inncels gonna incel. Why do right wingers have such a hard time talking to girls? Maybe because they're cowards afraid of everything, And so they lash out and talk tough like fat boy Trump but you fool no one, nancy boys.

anonymous 1/2/2023 7:33:23 PM

jab for a mandate

anonymous 1/2/2023 7:57:40 PM

"Job for a Biden (aka pedo with dementia) ^Inncels gonna incel. Why do right wingers have such a hard time talking to girls? Maybe because they're cowards afraid of everything, And so they lash out and talk tough like fat boy Trump but you fool no one, nancy boys." Trump is history Bubba, maybe get off of his dick already and live in the present where Joe Biden is an embarrassing demented piece of shit.

anonymous 1/2/2023 8:00:10 PM


anonymous 1/2/2023 8:11:56 PM

This band should have vanished alongside MySpace.

anonymous 1/2/2023 9:57:11 PM

Right winger here. Did you hear the joke about the vaccinated guy? I tried to tell it to my relatives but they're all dead.

anonymous 1/2/2023 11:42:26 PM

Job for a Migrant

anonymous 1/3/2023 6:15:40 AM

job for a webmaster...

anonymous 1/3/2023 9:30:11 AM

job for a webmaster... ^This site has a webmaster? I thought it was just the Typo Bot 3000

anonymous 1/3/2023 10:48:32 AM

Last two albums were good, but I always associate this band with SpongeBob

anonymous 1/3/2023 10:50:54 AM

^nailed it.

anonymous 1/3/2023 11:21:52 AM

^That's what he said

anonymous 1/3/2023 11:22:56 AM

"Last two albums were good, but I always associate this band with SpongeBob" Same with Pantera lol

anonymous 1/3/2023 11:29:36 AM

better not be some more boring ass death metal

anonymous 1/3/2023 11:32:38 AM

Sun Eater was trash

anonymous 1/3/2023 12:45:52 PM

Right winger here. Did you hear the joke about the vaccinated guy? I tried to tell it to my relatives but they're all dead. lol genius

anonymous 1/3/2023 1:00:08 PM

imagine actually caring about this.

anonymous 1/3/2023 2:26:07 PM

anonymous 23 hours ago This album will sound exactly like Paulie driving his car across Christofah's $30K home landscaping ^^ excellent scene. The whole Pine Barrens episode tops it all to me though

anonymous 1/3/2023 2:36:39 PM

If you like The Sopranos give Tulsa King a shot. Sylvester Stallone is still nailing it at 76 years old.

anonymous 1/3/2023 2:40:18 PM

Still waiting to know what the job actually was for the cowboy …..

anonymous 1/3/2023 3:43:59 PM

shoutouts to the guy that mentioned animosity, i see you

anonymous 1/3/2023 4:28:21 PM

This is America - guy who's euro trash family is all tarded

anonymous 1/3/2023 5:27:16 PM

Everyone that is copin the cowboy metal look is stoked

anonymous 1/3/2023 6:37:45 PM

I saw Animosity open for Job for a cowboy in 08 probably. It was a good show

anonymous 1/4/2023 12:04:09 AM

Job for a transgender Ukraine supporting quadruple vaccinated cow person

anonymous 1/4/2023 7:18:03 AM

Haven't been good in over a decade

anonymous 1/4/2023 2:59:02 PM

does the name have to do with brokeback mountain, like they all do butt stuff?

anonymous 1/4/2023 3:30:45 PM

Not a fan of this band but y'all know these guys aren't a deathcore band right? They're death metal, unless y'all aren't fans of that.

anonymous 1/5/2023 11:32:37 AM

Job for a cowboy Made relevant by myspace Cow for a job boy

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