NewsAugust 14, 2022 11:35 PM ET8,049 views

Guerilla Warfare is no longer playing Kentucky Irate Music Fest

Band announces via Facebook, Festival responds


The Louisville, KY nu-metal/hardcore band Guerilla Warfare took to the group's Facebook to announce that they are no longer playing Kentucky Irate Music Festival, which takes place in Louisville. The band's post which makes some claims can be seen below.

A few hours later the festival itself responded after they claimed they had multiple inquiries.


Post Comment

anonymous 8/14/2022 9:16:05 PM

groomer music

anonymous 8/14/2022 9:40:41 PM

thank god less people have to be forced to hear this bullshit

anonymous 8/14/2022 9:53:29 PM

another trash band was at the fest in mansfield when purgatory got mosh called, stopped the show then retreated inside to headline for 150 posers on a friday

anonymous 8/15/2022 4:36:31 AM

The f*ck is up with that dudes face...

anonymous 8/15/2022 6:37:54 AM

I just learned what "groomer" means and now I use it in every comment

anonymous 8/15/2022 7:44:47 AM

I, too, would be irate if I had to live in Kentucky. Typical red state: the rubes there decry the federal government while being among the top 5 states that receive the most federal aid.

anonymous 8/15/2022 8:49:26 AM

he has allergies

anonymous 8/15/2022 8:54:06 AM

i see boogers on the nose wing

anonymous 8/15/2022 8:55:22 AM

didn't know we were cool enough to make the headline but that's tight, thanks- G

anonymous 8/15/2022 9:11:57 AM

Was flying in from Billings for this. Not now. I'm irate.

anonymous 8/15/2022 9:39:25 AM

Guerilla Wellfare

anonymous 8/15/2022 11:26:17 AM


anonymous 8/15/2022 11:27:57 AM

lmao why is his face included in this post?

anonymous 8/15/2022 11:29:14 AM

"I just learned what "groomer" means and now I use it in every comment" It's synonymous with "liberal" so either will work.

anonymous 8/15/2022 11:30:51 AM

Gayrilla Gayfare. Also, did someone shit in that dude's eyes?

anonymous 8/15/2022 11:32:15 AM

Is that monkeypox

anonymous 8/15/2022 11:32:30 AM

my 2 dads love geurilla warfare.

anonymous 8/15/2022 11:33:09 AM

monkeypox and junkie cocks

anonymous 8/15/2022 11:36:29 AM

im gonna beat up the guy that wont shut the f*ck up about that awful mansville fest. wya

anonymous 8/15/2022 11:52:07 AM

im gonna beat up the guy that wont shut the f*ck up about that awful mansville fest. wya Umad? It's true I was there too

anonymous 8/15/2022 12:11:32 PM

It's synonymous with "liberal" so either will work. Incels gonna incel

anonymous 8/15/2022 12:24:49 PM

i'm gonna need to hear what happened with purgatory before i can comment on this situation

anonymous 8/15/2022 12:31:06 PM

You know you haven't made it as a band if there's not the same IP pretending to be multiple fans that's vehemently defending the band against "haters and trolls" for an entire 24 hours.

anonymous 8/15/2022 12:57:49 PM

Looks like he's been crying. That's very beta wolf. Perhaps they should open for beta wolf instead.

anonymous 8/15/2022 1:16:00 PM

It's synonymous with "liberal" so either will work. AKA I would let Rick DeSantis or Laura Ingraham shit in my mouth if they told me to do it.

anonymous 8/15/2022 1:16:22 PM

Lambgoat comments were way more entertaining before everyone started making groomer jokes. Not ones been funny yet.

anonymous 8/15/2022 1:25:04 PM


anonymous 8/15/2022 1:37:48 PM

Hey moron, try looking to see who is Kentucky's governor. Pssst, he's not a Republican.

anonymous 8/15/2022 2:20:34 PM

Irate means crying goth baby in 2022.

anonymous 8/15/2022 2:43:19 PM

at their own discrepancy at their own discrepancy at their own discrepancy at their own discrepancy at their own discrepancy at their own discrepancy at their own discrepancy at their own discrepancy at their own discrepancy at their own discrepancy at their own discrepancy at their own discrepancy at their own discrepancy at their own discrepancy at their own discrepancy at their own discrepancy at their own discrepancy at their own discrepancy at their own discrepancy at their own discrepancy at their own discrepancy at their own discrepancy at their own discrepancy at their own discrepancy at their own discrepancy at their own discrepancy at their own discrepancy

anonymous 8/15/2022 2:55:02 PM

This guy looks like an inbred vampire.

anonymous 8/15/2022 3:03:04 PM

i'll be at most relevant shows in cleve in a sounds of the underground 2006 tour sleeveless. come get that work sissy

anonymous 8/15/2022 4:07:21 PM

" another trash band was at the fest in mansfield when purgatory got mosh called, stopped the show then retreated inside to headline for 150 posers on a friday" Second comment about this shit and no relevant details.

anonymous 8/15/2022 4:12:20 PM

anonymous 4 hours ago LIGHTS OUT GUERILLA WELLFARE TURN THAT SHIT UP! yo idk why that's the first thing i thought of reading this, a rage coverband got mad and ain't playing the fest

anonymous 8/15/2022 4:49:35 PM

it's been commented by multiple people across the boards for months now. keep up new jack

anonymous 8/15/2022 6:35:39 PM

Hey moron, try looking to see who is Kentucky's governor. Pssst, he's not a Republican. Look at the make-up of their state legislature, who they send to congress and who they vote for president, d!pshit. You are exceprionally dumb even for these parts if you are trying to argue that KY isn't a diehard red state.

anonymous 8/15/2022 8:25:57 PM

drummers shouldn't have microphones. cancel this band now.

anonymous 8/15/2022 8:32:02 PM

guerilla warfare was unable to sell 5 tickets to their friends so they were disfellowshipped from the lineup.

anonymous 8/15/2022 8:46:13 PM

Plot twist...everyone involved is in fact a nerd.

anonymous 8/15/2022 11:08:02 PM

it's been posted by one guy (you, lol) about as many times as teeth you've got left

anonymous 8/16/2022 5:22:24 AM

^breaks over, get back to doing oil changes.

lake_flaccid 8/16/2022 7:02:52 AM

"Leftists are irrelevant. Dying breed. Good riddance weak pathetic subhuman trash. Bottom feeding worthless cockroaches." First off, calm down before your heart explodes. Second, how does Tucker's boot taste?

anonymous 8/16/2022 8:57:07 AM

this band seems pretty cool, they got eric andre on drums, tim heidecker on guitar and some normal run of the mill dude on bass pretty cool 2nd wave adult swim band. although that dude in the pic looks absolutely f*cked. like goto the ER now f*ckt

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