As I Lay Dying recruit ex-Unearth drummer Nick Pierce for upcoming tour
AILD had little time to find a replacement for Jordan Mancino, who is sitting out this tour.
With As I Lay Dying drummer Jordan Mancino revealing yesterday that he will not perform with the group until they resolve "ongoing internal issues," the band has recruited former Unearth drummer Nick Pierce for their U.S. tour, which kicks off tonight in Las Vegas, Nevada.
As I Lay Dying have issued the following statement:
"We are pleased to announce that Nick Pierce, formerly of Unearth, will be playing drums for AILD this tour.
"We've toured with Nick many times over the years so we're stoked to have not only a long time friend out with us, but a phenomenal musician. The level of precision and power in Nick Pierce's playing has taken our songs to a whole new level."Nick had the task of learning 20 songs in a limited amount of time and he nearly played the entire set flawlessly at our first rehearsal. It's been inspiring to witness his dedication and strong work ethic to keep AILD performing at the standard our fans expect from us."
Early this month, Pierce announced his departure from Unearth.
Interestingly, five years ago Unearth tapped Jordan Mancino to fill in for Nick Pierce as the latter recovered from back surgery.
Post CommentJordan Mancino is an unprofessional prick. You don't want to play because of "internal issues"? Give the band notice enough time in advance so they don't have to scramble for a replacement. ALID should not only fire Jordan but say don't ask us for a reference for him cuz here's our reference: he dicked out of a tour at the last minute.
these dudes that can take on tours at the drop of a hat. hows that 401k comin along nick
^^^ Unearth is off during this time. He should leave thousands of dollars on the table in his downtime?
"The level of precision and power in Nick Pierce's playing has taken our songs to a whole new level" SHOTS FIRED.
these dudes that can take on tours at the drop of a hat. hows that 401k comin along nick >>> Better than yours. 30 show tour...Say he made just a flat grand a show all expenses covered (hotels, food, say $100 per diem.) That's 30K plus remainder of per diems for a little over a month's work. Pretty damn good!
also, let's not forget, evil_hero smokes pre-rolled mids. and he's a midge
following susi to the money train that is known as AILD. this tour will rake
The level of precision and power in Nick Pierce's playing has taken our songs to a whole new level" SHOTS FIRED. >>> More like Jordan fired. Nick would take less & it'd still be more than what he makes with Unearth on their best shows. Being a drummer for hire has to be the best job. All you bring is you & your sticks. You get paid more because you're in low supply thus high demand.
following susi to the money train that is known as AILD. this tour will rake Ken & Nick should make Unearth their side band who tours only when ALID doesn't tour, record, or rehearse to do both.
Goddammit, Nick. All of that Unearth-earned love was just replaced with disappointment and disgust.
these dudes that can take on tours at the drop of a hat. hows that 401k comin along nick >>> Better than yours. 30 show tour...Say he made just a flat grand a show all expenses covered (hotels, food, say $100 per diem.) That's 30K plus remainder of per diems for a little over a month's work. Pretty damn good! ^^^^ You clearly have no understanding of how little these bands make. A flat grand per show + expenses? C'monnnnn mannnnn
^^^ Yeah he should sit on his ass & leave at least 30K on the table, right? Fu ck that.
30 show tour...Say he made just a flat grand a show all expenses covered (hotels, food, say $100 per diem.) That's 30K plus remainder of per diems for a little over a month's work. Pretty damn good! ^^^^ You clearly have no understanding of how little these bands make. A flat grand per show + expenses? C'monnnnn mannnnn >>> I said at least a grand for just Nick not the entire band you jacka ss & yeah he isn't paying a dime for hotels & food & he's getting a per diem, too. How little who makes? ALID? Who are headlining 2000+ capacity Starland Ballroom & several 2-3K cap House Of Blues etc. at minimum $40-50 admission a night. Get a clue moron.
Laughable at anyone who actually thinks AILD members get $100 per diem, hahahahaha. I'm a LN tour rep. Keep dreaming with your basement calculations.
Who needs food, expenses, or per diem when you've got Jesus. Right Tim? And when he abandons you, Plan B kicks in. $10 sloppy top at rest stops and truck stops.
Dudes getting more like $350 a show plus hotels and a $25 per diem.
"Jordan Mancino is an unprofessional prick. You don't want to play because of "internal issues"? Give the band notice enough time in advance so they don't have to scramble for a replacement. ALID should not only fire Jordan but say don't ask us for a reference for him cuz here's our reference: he dicked out of a tour at the last minute." Who the hell white knights for Tim??? What a bizarre decision.
Mancino's been out for well over a year… AILD is on some bullshit making all these member departures seem like recent developments.
If you think this dude is making a grand a show for this, you seriously need to go to rehab and reevaluate your life.
Remember when Tim tried to have his wife murdered over possibly alimony and child support for those black boys?
"Mancino's been out for well over a year… AILD is on some bullshit making all these member departures seem like recent developments." Yeah, this honestly seems more likely.
If you think this dude is making a grand a show for this, you seriously need to go to rehab and reevaluate your life. >> $1000 = 25 to 33 paid people you moron. 'Love all these brokeasses on here like you saying Nick & ALID don't make good money when they do. Say 2000 paid @ $40 for 80K, 48K (60%) to the bands one show. GTFOH if you think Nick is making a penny less than a grand. Tim/ALID needs him more then vice versa.
Jordan Mancino is an unprofessional prick. You don't want to play because of "internal issues"? Give the band notice enough time in advance so they don't have to scramble for a replacement. ALID should not only fire Jordan but say don't ask us for a reference for him cuz here's our reference: he dicked out of a tour at the last minute." Who the hell white knights for Tim??? What a bizarre decision. >>> It's not white knighting for Tim. It is unprofessional to back out of a tour so close to the tour start. He fuc ked over the other guys ICGAFF about Tim.
Dudes getting more like $350 a show plus hotels and a $25 per diem. >> Bullsh it. Nick would turn that down & call that an insult which it would be. He had ALL the leverage being the only drummer Tim reached out to. If 1500-2000 a night @ $40 for 36-48K (60%) to the bands plus merch sales he ain't taking less than ten people's worth of pay or even twenty. Minimum grand. Deal with him making more in one show than any of you make in a 40 hour work week.
You don't want to play because of "internal issues"? Give the band notice enough time in advance so they don't have to scramble for a replacement. ALID should not only fire Jordan but say don't ask us for a reference for him cuz here's our reference: he dicked out of a tour at the last minute." You think Pierce learned 20 songs AND tracked a new song last minute? It's more likely that the remaining shitbags parted ways with everyone a long time ago but have kept things under wraps to sell tickets and meet and greets.
You people think a for hire gig is a waiter job when it isn't. When you contact someone to play a tour on short notice you have zero leverage thus are at the mercy of your hiree. That doesn't mean he will squeeze you & he won't because word gets out, but he will ask for what's fair & get it unless you're an idiot. If you do 1500 at $40 a night for 36K after 40% to the club no hired gun is taking 350 plus 25 per diem or whatever other bullsh it amount you think he'd get. Of course you think Nick will be paid like sh it & be thankful for it - THAT'S YOU AT YOUR JOB. THAT'S YOUR SELF-PROJECTION borne from misery loves company. Nick is going on a well-paid vacation with a duffel & drumsticks so of course you self-project your shit pay onto him. You are jealous of him.
You think Pierce learned 20 songs AND tracked a new song last minute? It's more likely that the remaining shitbags parted ways with everyone a long time ago but have kept things under wraps to sell tickets and meet and greets. >>> Dude Tim is ALID no one gives a fu ck who else is in the band. No one is requestibg refunds & so what about unsold resold tickets when they're already paid for. If ALID did 1200 presales out of 1700 & all 1200 people put their tickets up for sale, couldn't sell one ticket between them & didn't show & all 500 walkups walked out within the first three songs ALID would make 100% of their pay that show.
I see the math guy is posting and then responding to his own posts again.
And it must be you because you remind everyone of you.
no hired gun is making 1000 a night maybe 300. not 1000
hired gun here, i make between $1250-2800 per night per show, without doing meet n' greetz. Tim has been hoarding the cash flow for himself/jesus christ/his lawyer that got him off for trying to murder his wife. this band is more dead than that juice head in the wedding pictures T-level's. Never ever f*cking skip leg day, he did, and now he will know the wrath of our lord.
"anonymous 19 minutes ago And it must be you because you remind everyone of you." I just wanted to let you know I love the both of you. Keep it going whatever it is you do, it's hilarious. The great Vogel blesses and thanks you
^^^ The funniest thing about this guy is he almost makes you think it's one person until he blows it by alluding to past posts with "the math person." Even funnier is he gets people to reply usually all bent out of shape about band pay. People fiercely think they know the economics.
Ok, we lambgoaters need to STOP the chaos and pointless debate about AILD touring perks. Like adults we should settle the issue by summoning our LORD AND SAVIOR..... BRIAN SANKUS. SANKUS is AILD tour manager (which he will surely tell you in the first 3 seconds of meeting him). As AILD tour manager, SANKUS has sucked more cubic yards of AILD dick, and swallowed more than 3 Olympic sized swimming pools worth 'Metalcore Cum' than any sentient creature has ever. If anyone knows how to settle the debate on how much these hybridized breakdown cum factories/touring musicians get paid, LORD SANKUS will be able to.
Speaking of Vogel does he really work as a janitor at an elementary school in Buffalo?
lol @ 1k a night he's drumming for AILD not Lupa Dipa
Still waiting for a reply from Vogel's and Lambesis' common accountant
Hey anonymous how about u go f*ck yourself your the f*ckin prick. U have no idea what issue's r going on with jorden I like to see u play the drums like Jordan he's one of the best drummer's out there
Yeah, f*ck you, anonymous. You and your 46 comments, arguing with yourself. Get a job!
Hey guys, Tim here from AILD. Nick is getting $375 a night, a handjob by yours truly, $20 per diem, and gets to ride on MY bus. He's making out alright I'd say.
"ALID should not only fire Jordan but say don't ask us for a reference for him cuz here's our reference: he dicked out of a tour at the last minute." don't ask us for a reference haaaahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahaha okay man
Lol at the moron who clearly has no clue about the costs of touring. Know how much a tour bus and driver is per week? Seen gas prices lately? Do you know how expensive a pro crew is? You understand that venues take a cut of merch, right? Do you think the booking agent works for free? Dude makes much closer to 1k per week than 1k per show, which is an absolutely absurd figure.
no one cares about meet and greets unless tim is there. you guys are still scrambling to to denounce his success since 2018. love coming back and seeing it. finessed.
Lol at the moron who clearly has no clue about the costs of touring. Know how much a tour bus and driver is per week? Seen gas prices lately? Do you know how expensive a pro crew is? You understand that venues take a cut of merch, right? Do you think the booking agent works for free? Dude makes much closer to 1k per week than 1k per show, which is an absolutely absurd figure. >> You know jack fuc kin shit about tour costs. This tour is 1500-3000 capacity a night & will do 75% or better depending on the night at $40-50. Do the math jackass. Nick ain't making less than a grand, numbnuts. But you keep insisting he'll make peanuts CUZ YOU MAKE PEANUTS & are livid about it.
Imagine posting 30 times bragging about fill in drummer for f*cking as I lay dyings money you just assume he makes lol.
All the anonymous comments talking shit about evil hero or other registered names are from VodkaVeins logged out. He tries to blame everyone else to take the attention off himself for being a bitch as a coward
These bands don't make shit for money you f*cking idiots. And they suck
Please guys, stop. You're making my balls hurt from laughing at your non-touring experience math. I would absolutely love to watch any of you settle a concert that's not a flat rate deal (which isn't even settling anything at that level). And I say this as a Live Nation tour rep who's handling the Northeast US (re: arena and amphitheater tours).
^ metal blade street team member overstating his position. stock that splatter vinyl scrub
Nick and Ken are going to make "hired gun" rates. They will not profit share on the actual money the tour brings in. So even if AILD is grossing 5,000 a night. Even after expenses. They would not get a "member cut" they would get whatever rate they were contracted with. Conversely, if the tour loses money. They wouldn't take the hit, they would get their agreed upon rate. no more, no less.
^ Hey Tim, what's the going rate for a hired gun these days?
Now all we need is one promoter to please film themselves handing Tim a white envelope with AILDs guarantee, and say "7328… I want her dead." Would be priceless.
Tim here, the going rate is 200 a night and a 20 dollar per diem. I will also give you a handjob. That is what I am giving Nick and Ken. Ken also negotiated an upgrade on his hair plugs.
^ Totally missed the "hired gun" reference. Hint: someone to kill his ex-wife, not a wanna be Rock Star on a low budget tour.
Tim is handing them their per diem in a white envelope along with the security codes to his house. To get paid, Ken and Nick have to meet him at Barnes and Noble. Red will sign the check
Dude I have been to far too many shows, gotten into too many fights, f*cked too many dudes to even comprehend you beating the f*ck out of your keyboard to type your reply. I am as popular as ever. Do you know Webby pays me to be here because of the added clicks I create in the news comments sections?
that spam about working for google pays way better than being a hired gun on a washed up 3rd tier metalcore tour. Nick and Ken should drop that murderer and click that link. It's time to grow up boys. the rock dream is dead. Gene Simmons said so
anonymous 1 day ago Speaking of Vogel does he really work as a janitor at an elementary school in Buffalo? Yes and he lives in his moms attic
Didn't realize this website had so many industry experts reading it. Anyways As Lay Crying or some shit. Bandwagon flip.
^ It's standard industry practice that all agent's assistants, day to day managers, and tour managers/tour accountants come to the Lambgoat comments section to get a firm understanding on deal breakdowns, show settlement, and tour logistics.
The funny part is I'm actually a D2D at Velvet Hammer. We often laugh about all the soy bois on LG who hate the success of Code Orange. Keep up the great work guys. Your mom's are your biggest fans.
^ you're not. I work there and I know this isn't one of my coworkers. Dude agreed for a weekly rate for the run, case closed. 1k a night is ridiculous
I'm in VELVET REVOLVER and you're all way off. Rock n' Roll lives!
Original Velvet Hammer D2D here. I'm on Code Orange's desk. The rest of you guys are faux Velvet Hammer workers. None of you name the color of the famous couch in our CEO's office. So go stomp your moms pussy.
Hired gun here. I know for a fact that $1000/night is the standard for these C market tours. Plus $150 daily PD, 10% merch share, flights/hotels, and a 15% bonus on all nightly point overages on settlement.
Please guys, stop. You're making my balls hurt from laughing at your non-touring experience math. I would absolutely love to watch any of you settle a concert that's not a flat rate deal (which isn't even settling anything at that level). And I say this as a Live Nation tour rep who's handling the Northeast US (re: arena and amphitheater tours). You don't work for Live Nation lol.
Hired gun here. I know for a fact that $1000/night is the standard for these C market tours. Plus $150 daily PD, 10% merch share, flights/hotels, and a 15% bonus on all nightly point overages on settlement. >> You know even if it was just 500 a night no pier diem, merch share or bonus just food, hotels & flights that's great money cuz think about it: All you need is drumsticks & a duffel of clothes & stuff. $500 to play one show vs. working x amount of hours across y amount of days to make that before taxes? I'll drum for 500, Alex.
Speaking of Vogel does he really work as a janitor at an elementary school in Buffalo? Yes and he lives in his moms attic >>> He doesn't live in his mom's attic & I doubt he works as a janitor. He has a place with his girl. No idea what he does if he does anything but it's not a janitor.
Hired gun here. I know for a fact that $1000/night is the standard for these C market tours. Plus $150 daily PD, 10% merch share, flights/hotels, and a 15% bonus on all nightly point overages on settlement. >>> Why would a hired gun get a cut of merch? Technically you're not a member of the band. Also a 150 pier diem seems high. I'm guessing you have that deal - more power to you.
no one cares about meet and greets unless tim is there. you guys are still scrambling to to denounce his success since 2018. love coming back and seeing it. finessed. Shut the f*ck up Tim, no one asked you.
You don't work for Live Nation lol. I REALLY DO WORK FOR LIVE NATION, SO YOU CAN MILK MY NUTS FOR JUICE. Imagine being this much of a herb, you come to Lambgoat and brag about working for this shitbag company lmao pathetic.
I am the principal at Southside Elementary in Buffalo. I hired Scott Vogel personally as the head custodian because I'm a Terror fan. He is well liked by the students and staff here. He did live with his mom at first but now he has his own place and is doing well.
^ Oh yea, what a shitbag company. The largest concert promoter in the entire world. I get paid $96k/year, travel full-time, expense account, full medical, matching 401k, education supplement, gym paid, upward promotional ladder, and can go to any concerts I want for free. I'm doing what I love. You, sheet rock, cashier, Walmart, landscaping, etc. Highlight of your day is pretending you could do 1/10th of my job without asking for help on LG on what a house nut is, vs deal, or how to handle international tour accounting. Best of luck in your future endeavors ie. greasing dudes poles behind WaWa.
Live Nation check in. State your name, location, title: Pete Smalls Houston, TX Director of Global Touring
Hey Pete! Alicia L. Michaels New York City Vice President - New & Emerging Markets
Ginger LeBlanc Miami Beach, FL Artist Manager @ ROC Nation
Patrick Kyle Peterson/ Los Angles / Front of House Manager H.O.B.
Erwin Ocampo Manila, Philippines Operations Manager - LN Philippines
Aloha fellow Live Nationians!!! Brenda Thiehl Honolulu HI Event Supervisor
Rebecca A. Martin Singapore Senior Promoter Representative
You can get some pretty good horse sashimi in Japan. Tried it once, and even as someone who had a horse as a child, I enjoyed it. Oishi ne!!!
LOL @ this schitzo posting a fake roll call of random real or fake Live Nation employees & reeling off the salary, benefits & perks of a job he doesn't have but wishes he has. Then he lists all the jobs he's done but couldn't hold. A true master of delusion & projection. House nut yeah - a nut who lives in a house: his mom's.
I am the principal at Southside Elementary in Buffalo. I hired Scott Vogel personally as the head custodian because I'm a Terror fan. He is well liked by the students and staff here. He did live with his mom at first but now he has his own place and is doing well. >>> Love how you post this when school's out. All good I'm gonna call you to verify this in September & show this to the person you're impersonating...AND SCOTT VOGEL.
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