Post CommentYou know youve really made it to the big time when you play TBA twice in one tour ! Kudos dudes !
Love it how lambgoat trolls rip bands for playing big or small venues. Everyone's either too hardcore or too sold out for you gals. Terror is as legendary as hxc gets and now they're playing small venues and getting back to their roots and you don't like that? How can a venue be too small? You want arena tours? This tour is awesome and every band is worth seeing! So good to see Terror on an all hxc tour without any lames ass metal bands
This tour is awesome and every band is worth seeing! So good to see Terror on an all hxc tour without any lames ass metal bands Posted while touching his little penis thinking about first pressings of Judge albums. Get a life.
Do they bands ever get tired of touring together? Do people who go see this shit get tired of the say mix of 8 bands on every fcking tour?
back to their roots....aka people not caring.
Press release: 'we've all been spinnin our signature shriveled, lime green dinguses at veterans for years and were proud to be spinning them at VFWs all over the country this tour. Nothin funnier than cramming ur dainty fists in and out ur rotten, diseased jerk on stage for a bunch of sick old vets LOL! our fans punch em in the face, knock them out of their chairs and force me to circle pit while forcing them to cram lol greatest generation my ass! Hope there's a lot of cameras to spin for"
Bent life is legit shit goes in hard back. Get murked at a show from the second balcony drop in 'Beatdown' Jon np: kublai khan - belligerent
Lmao now I seen everything!! Terror perform "Spit A Rain" at the Grammy and well SHAVO? 6 days without threatenin mine life xD srj tmkn..sod fame. The Shriv dingus boys were destined for stardom and even crammed they gaping jerk over a pictures of us! XP dressed in fine wools and suede apparel they were a shoe in for the S,L-GD but hey they cram to "iii watch u chaaange" too many time and well they shoulda Neva turned they back on they roots! The best sod cover band Ben life on select dates! XD
Outstanding. Two of the best to ever do it are back on LG. It's been a long summer. Trained eyes calling it too
^^ u got a lot of the lingo right and I commend u for that but there was no soul..no punch lines, not everyone can do this gig plz do not post anymore of my material..I would have started mabe with a school of rock bit "(Oo lalala) rock has no reason, (oolalala) dingus is lime!"
'...today's assignment...cram ur ass! And if u wanna cram ur dainty fists..well babY u just better forget it! Rock has no reason, dingus is lime! U better get me to school on time!' -jock block 'school of cram' parody. John Black spinnin his signature lime-green dingus to Freddy's beats, zack shred a solo "my dad says I can't use battery powered toys to cram just my dainty fists he's old fashion", "ur transgender and I hate u"-gay kid, Miranda Cosmetics lookin hot even as a boy "I can cram"
^^ killed lambgoat. No one is posting anymore until this nonsense is over
Good I don't wanna see u smear ur nasty rotten jerk up and down the street anyway.. spinning your shriveled lime-green dingus for the cameras, u were picked up for exposing ur self to a group of disabled preteens, evidence shows u picking a boy out of his wheelchair and cramming ur dainty fist up his paralyzed jerk "don't let being a paraplegic stop u from crammin here I'll show u how!" "Get off my son!" "Just..cram it up there..got it! Feel good in ur rotting crippled jerk??"
Lol dude I live in MI and a terror show at the Sanctuary maybe be small, but man will it be packed and nuts
are people not sick of this shitty type of music yet
Laid to rest is the person Deathcore Jon, now it's Beatdown Jon..Hey pal when you were in 5th grade Beatdown Core was just getting started now go back to bed, you know the top lvl of your bunk bed which you pretend is the 2nd balcony of shows. Genre of music "name" np: Popular Trendy band : their best song
Lol dude I live in MI and a terror show at the Sanctuary maybe be small, but man will it be packed and nuts Agreed. I'll see this in Chicago and Cobra Lounge is small and shit will pop off
Blind Justice: With ex-members of Heavy Chains. Cool with the fatfck piece of shit singer Ian Adams who beat a kid less than half his weight into a coma. And didn't BJ steal nudes of a girl and post them online? Yep. Scumbags!
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One step above vfw's and dive bars