NewsFebruary 23, 2016 9:12 AM ET6,966 views

Stumpfest 2016 lineup announced

The roster has been announced for Stumpfest 2016, slated to take place on April 21, 22, and 23 at Mississippi Studios in Portland, Oregon. Three-day passes are $45 and the lineup is as follows: Thursday, April 21 Torche Thrones Gaytheist House of Lightning Humours Friday, April 22 Helms Alee Black Cobra Norska Life Coach Chron Goblin Saturday, April 23 YOB Saviours Ides of Gemini Emma Ruth Rundle SOL


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anonymous 2/23/2016 6:38:56 AM

is "stump" fest supposed to be some kind of ghost inside joke? such poor taste fellas.

anonymous 2/23/2016 6:39:12 AM

I'd rather buy a gram of the prettiest Mississippi crystal why you ever did see rather than pay for this shit

anonymous 2/23/2016 7:33:32 AM

going for gaytheist

anonymous 2/23/2016 8:55:00 AM

This fest gargles goo

anonymous 2/23/2016 9:20:42 AM

This shit lamer than the lambgoat admins.

mummified_circuitry 2/23/2016 10:02:24 AM

This is stumpin' for Trump, right?

anonymous 2/23/2016 10:08:46 AM

YOB headlining at Mississippi Studios? That's worth $45 right there.

anonymous 2/23/2016 1:53:08 PM

Stumptown is one of several nicknames of Portland, Oregon. In the mid-19th century, the city's growth led residents to clear a lot of land quickly, but the tree stumps were not immediately removed; in some areas, there were so many that people used to jump from stump to stump to avoid the muddy, unpaved roads.

anonymous 2/23/2016 6:59:21 PM

Can't figure out if there are any good bands playing? I'm stumped.

anonymous 2/23/2016 8:49:18 PM

$45 for 3 days of garbage... they can suck my stump

anonymous 2/24/2016 11:44:32 AM

haters gonna hate. Garglers gonna gargle. I'll be attending, gimme that goo!

anonymous 2/24/2016 4:57:52 PM

Patrick Stump reinvented himself

anonymous 2/24/2016 5:54:38 PM

Bunch of gayy gays playing gayy gay music, getting stump in the rump.

anonymous 2/24/2016 5:55:53 PM

Fäggoty fägs playing fäggoty fäg music

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