Post Commentjean vests with grey sweaters underneath are stoked.
All proceeds will benefit the singer of trap them, so he can get those gnarly teeth fixed.
Only if the crowd is like the European version. Best audience ever. Also, wasn't this supposed to hit la?
Nachos really should be on this. Looks fun though, wish I could attend.
Dropdead and Trap Them are the only good bands on this. Also, Emmure should be on this as well.
lol at MOD. billy milanos fat ass is obscene and extreme enough for america
The beets are going to be a last minute add playing killer tofu in whole, Doug funny is stoked
better wear my black rimmed glasses that i don't need
The Doug stuff was cool the first time but now it's just as lame as your twat.
^ yea and you would know from munching on it all night, idiot.
"anonymous4 hours ago - extreme poutine" Give me this shit right fvcking now.
B9 barnacles who only know magrudergrind and trap them are pretending to be stoked. Also claiming that hardcore tribe approved bands like weekend nachos would make the lineup better. Which it wouldn't.
The Doug stuff was cool the first timeThe Doug stuff was cool the first timeThe Doug stuff was cool the first timeThe Doug stuff was cool the first timeThe Doug stuff The Doug stuff was cool the first timeThe Doug stuff was cool the first timeThe Doug stuff was cool the first timeThe Doug stuff was cool the first timeThe Doug stuff was cool the first time
^Powdered Toast Man should be on this with his nipples of the future
getting drunk a fck and eating at la belle province for this.
Great lineup but I'd rather not have to be in Canada.