I arrived and so did 7 police cars an ambulance and a fire truck. Someone got stabbed in the neck... Took that decapitation too far...
— Alex Lopez (@lopezalex) January 8, 2015
Meanwhile, another show attendee, Jesse Goytia, had the following to say via Facebook:
Post Commentmetal as fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu uuuu
Assault? How is slashing someone's neck not attempted murder? It's a deadly action that missed- would be considered attempted murder if he shot the dude but he lived.
He had it coming! Pushing someone in the pit- the dumb f/uck should have been stabbed. It's that type of irresponsibility that gets kids hurt. Action must be taken.
It's NOT responsible to stab someone... THAT is childish, if you can't handle the pit then stay the fck away from it you wussy.
Gets push-moshed, gets butthurt, murders dude. Seems legit.
Honestly thought? Pushing? He's lucky that's all that happened to him. STOP BULLYING NOW, STOP MASHING NOW, SHOT PITTING NOW. MOTHERS AGAINST MASHING.
They should all just touch helmets and get it over with.
everyone involved with this hilariously pathetic situation should just kill themselves. when is MTV gonna pick up on this pit drama bullshit and make a reality show?
Won't somebody think of the children of bodom!
Seriously it was some La Bamba shit, tatted cholo dude is WAY too drunk. Starts giving actual punches to your dome instead of just pitting. Fight starts, the dude starts losing. His girl pulls a fcking knife from her purse. Security throws a bunch of foos outside and vuahla. RIIIIIIICHHHHYYYYYYYY!!! But that's what happened now all these "whittier" people are gonna be acting like rock stars because the news talked to them.
Alex was late as fuuuuuuuuuck if he pulled up when the ambulance came. That was about 15 minutes after the fact.
I fcking have never heard anyone say "yeah that dude in the pit got sliced" like wtf say cut or something
Soooooo basically is what a female who ruined everything......who would've thought, chicks have the smallest brain in the world. Science says so.
Obviously these people are giving biased opinions and accounts of what happened. They ALL fail to mention that the pit wasn't active whatsoever and I made a comment to a dude starting fights to take it to a hardcore show so he punched ME in the face first. So my boyfriend (the dude with the knife) jumped in. This 400 lb mexican shirtless dude wailed on me like 20 times and his friend that got stabbed jumped in.
So hitting a woman for making a statement about his poor behavior is acceptable apparently. This guy was a thug and was out looking for a fight. The two security guards involved will tell you the real story. You're all sheep.
Your weapons are useless. Drop the gun. Golden gun. Like bringing a knife to a gun fight.
This is the "stabbing". http://i.imgur.com/QzfHFbY .jpg
"LADYS IM SORRY BUT STOP TRYING TO FIGHT YOUR MANS BATTLES." Can this just be a house rule at every damn venue?
Alex was late because he busy doing coke off scene girls asses from his New Years Eve party.
Alex was late because he was busy doing coke off scene girls asses from his New Years Eve party.
anonymous 13 hours ago There's a bitch in the pit! permalink | report abuse Lmao. Best comment so far
"I broke the guys finger taking the knife from him" Watch out for this badass, breaking fingers and taking names.
"the pit wasn't active whatsoever". You're honor, the state would like call an expert witness to review the secrecy footage and assess the relative activation levels of the pit. The state calls Dr. Prescott Vogel III to the witness stand.
If you hit a chick you I'm glad u got stabbed. But at a show? Man, I'm just saying with everything going on in the metal/hardcore world yall are going to ruin it for everyone. Still fck that dude if I had been there I woyld busted a bottle and cut his as to for hitting a girl. Shaun Eubanks
YES THE "STABEE" DID HIT THE STABBERS GIRLFRIEND. He stabbed the guy to protect his girlfriend. If ANYONE saw this, please come forward and give La Habra PD a statement so she can press charges against this guy as well. Yes the stabber fcked up, but what would you do in that situation if someone fcked your girlfriend up? She actually had to go to the hospital to get checked out.
Stupid man forgot women can do whatever they want in america and face no consequences. Should have stopped being an evil woman hater and let her beat him to death however she liked.
The owner of the metal detector store is stoked.
I hope they continue to have bands i was going to book my rock band out of Las Vegas there soon.....Missing Blind
the guy starting shit was a straight gang member named Sal, he's notorious for doing bullshit at shows, he should have gotten shanked, he didn't belong there anyway. Ya I'm putting all his business out there, he's affilited with a Suicidal Tendencies gang
"I broke the guys finger taking the knife from him" Watch out for this badass, breaking fingers and taking names...... Actually what I said was "everyone jumped on the guy with the knife and I may have broke the dudes finger taking the knife from him" MAY HAVE. I wasn't trying to be a "badass" just filling in some concerned friends on what had happened. They saw me in cuffs and wanted to know what happened.
Seriously it was some La Bamba shit, tatted cholo dude is WAY too drunk. Starts giving actual punches to your dome instead of just pitting. Fight starts, the dude starts losing. His girl pulls a fcking knife from her purse. Security throws a bunch of foos outside and vuahla. RIIIIIIICHHHHYYYYYYYY!!! How funny was Esai Morales in that? 😂😂😂 Such an underused actor. He was so evil in the original Bad Boys.
mike ski's leg is stoked >>> Hey look everyone, a total fuc king loser alluding to Mike Ski getting stabbed at CBGB two decades ago & thinking that was funny. So which one of your friends stabbed him scumbag? Since you felt the need to bring it up all these decades later.
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