New York's
My Bitter End has announced departure of frontman
Tyler Guida, who has subsequently been replaced by
John Centorrino. The band has uploaded a lyric video for a new song titled "The Fear," which features Centorrino on vocals. Here you go:
MBE has issued a lengthy statement explaining Guida's departure in addition to the status of the band:
Hello friends...we have lots of news regarding the status/future of MBE and have finally decided it was time to let you guys in on a few things. First off, the band is doing fine. We are almost done with preproduction of our new full length, we have several potential tours on the table, and many other great things going down that we're super excited for.. however, we do have some bad news and then some good news again after that.
You may have noticed on our last tour that we did not have Tyler Guida with us doing vocals. This was due to a number of unfortunate occurrences that took place. Tyler cannot commit to the hectic touring schedule we are going to have over the next few years due to being enrolled in school full time and family obligations...because of these things we as a band were forced to make a hard decision and part ways with him.
Without going into too many details we could all see that he was in need of some personal time to get his life in order. He was not in any position physically/mentally to be on the road or in the studio. Unfortunately this did not only affect him but everyone involved in the band as well.
So you might be thinking "Well, damn that's it for them. MBE is done." Let me just say that we are not going anywhere. We still all collectively love writing/playing music and we are incredibly blessed to have many great friends from being in this band...some with amazing talents the world has yet to see and we feel we found the perfect replacement for Tyler to take the band to a new level.
We are pleased to welcome John Robert Centorrino into My Bitter End as lead vocalist. John filled in on the Heavy Hitters tour for us that we did this past July / August and every person that saw him whether in a bands themselves, or just there to see us play said we should 100% keep him in MBE. He is also a longtime friend of the band and actually has a guest spot on our latest release Nostalgic Sentiments on the track 'From Far Away'.
We (the remaining members in MBE) were all blown away each day on tour as well and now that we have had the pleasure of hearing what he can do to our new material in the studio, we are more than confident old and new fans alike will accept him with open arms as we have. John's natural skill and enthusiasm is a much needed breath of fresh air. He brings many great talents vocally to the band and His capabilities onstage / in the studio are endless. Although we are sad to see a chapter of My Bitter End close we are excited to turn a new page and we look forward to the future.
We realize that many fans of the renovation era MBE will say we are not that MBE we used to be and that is true...but after discussing amongst eachother we decided to keep the band name for a number of reasons. The first being that although we have a TON of new songs ready to go...we still like to play our old material.
The second would be for nostalgic purposes I suppose, i started this band in 2002 with my brother Todd, that alone means the world to me...the plain truth is that although we may not have all the hype and support that some bands have who have been around as many years as we have...we're quite proud of what we have accomplished so far and above everything else...we do this because we love to do it.
We are in a sense starting over though and hope that you all realize we are a new band with a new plan. Our new material is obviously a bit different than what we've put out previously but that's only because we can play our instruments better now. (isn't that what you're supposed to do when in a band anyways?) We still have all the core elements of an MBE song that we have always had and the same vision of what we want this band to be. If you think you know don't. Simple as that.
So i will leave you now with a sincere thank you to everyone who has stuck by our side through thick and thin. I, and the rest of the band hope that you continue to do so and welcome you all to a new era of My Bitter End.
In a few minutes we will be posting our brand new song and John's debut for the band called 'The Fear'.
As we have mentioned before, the new album will be on seven string guitars. Get ready and we really hope you enjoy cause we worked hard on it.
Thanks again from all of us here in the band.
"My bitter end has written a sociopolitical essay explaining how the patriarchal society, obamacare, and trayvon Martin have had a behind the scenes influence in their Vocalist's departure."