Lamb Of God frontman Randy Blythe was due in court today in the Czech Republic to stand trial on charges of manslaughter stemming from the death of a concert-goer roughly two years ago.
If convicted, Blythe could be sentenced to a lengthy jail term. Speaking via Instagram, Blythe commented: "And so it begins. I am calm and prepared. Everyone, thanks for your good thoughts and prayers. Have a nice day, y'all!"
Addressing the court this morning, Blythe had the following to say:

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"I've kept my word. I said that I would come back to court today and I did. I do not shy away from responsibility. I'm not a person who runs away from problems. But I do not want to be punished for something I did not do."
On a personal note, we wish Blythe the best and expect a just outcome.

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