NewsNovember 19, 2012 2:34 PM ET7,815 views

Shai Hulud to release new album in February

Shai Hulud has titled their new full-length Reach Beyond The Sun. As noted in September, vocals for the album were contributed by Chad Gilbert, who also served as producer. The effort will hit streets on February 19, 2013 via Metal Blade Records and the cover art can be seen below: Shai Hulud - Reach Beyond The Sun Moreoever, the band has uploaded a teaser for the new album:


Post Comment

anonymous 11/19/2012 11:40:17 AM

Muhahahaha! This album will crush your fcking skull in and bring tears to your eyes simultaneously. Mmmmmm, Shai Hulud!

therearetoomanybands 11/19/2012 11:41:50 AM

Very stoked for this

anonymous 11/19/2012 11:48:27 AM ch?v=ld2DMsyy0go

ineedsalt 11/19/2012 12:00:40 PM

wow, the guitars dont sound like they were recorded through an empty campbell's cream of mushroom soup can. this album will be delayed because its shai hulud

anonymous 11/19/2012 12:02:10 PM

Sounds like a more boring version of The Ghost Inside.

anonymous 11/19/2012 12:02:40 PM

The band members should kill themselves. Take this message seriously.

anonymous 11/19/2012 12:04:53 PM

^ this kid should go back to school

anonymous 11/19/2012 12:12:31 PM

hell yea

anonymous 11/19/2012 12:19:03 PM

album will rule, they will do shitty tours with nucore bullshit bands and the stupid kids will not give two shits!

anonymous 11/19/2012 12:19:24 PM

Only people that are too old to be caught dead at a show are stoked

anonymous 11/19/2012 12:24:43 PM

Bands who have 8-10 farewell tours are stoked

anonymous 11/19/2012 12:27:39 PM

*flexes muscles* *grins* *jumps up n down* *clears the pit* *spin kicks* *moshes*

anonymous 11/19/2012 12:33:43 PM

I heard from a reliable source RONNIE RADKE will be the new touring vocalist.

anonymous 11/19/2012 12:34:12 PM

Tour coming soon courtesy of Dan DeFonce.

AnalButt 11/19/2012 12:40:36 PM

Wasn't impressed. But what do i know?

anonymous 11/19/2012 1:01:46 PM

do bitches not have anything better to do

anonymous 11/19/2012 1:14:37 PM


anonymous 11/19/2012 1:44:34 PM

Sounds like That Within Blood Ill-Tempered ... sounds good.

dirk_badoodi 11/19/2012 1:51:16 PM

Stoked! Finally some good news on this site. To that douche above me talking about SH being a "has-been", they are still better than 99% of these new shit bands that keep getting signed and headlining tours these days.

anonymous 11/19/2012 1:54:32 PM

Really? This band is still around?

anonymous 11/19/2012 2:23:00 PM

"LITERALLY NOBODY CARES. FED UP OF UPDATES ABOUT THESE GAY HAS-BEENS" You literally don't notice other people in the world. Apparently even reading comments one intends to be trolled has also become passe.

anonymous 11/19/2012 2:55:01 PM

anonymous1 hour ago "LITERALLY NOBODY CARES. FED UP OF UPDATES ABOUT THESE GAY HAS-BEENS" ^ This queef has a screamo band called, "tomorrows sunset fades forever" and wear size Youth clothing. So much scene, so little time

anonymous 11/19/2012 4:00:37 PM

^This kid also needs to go back to school.

anonymous 11/19/2012 4:36:58 PM

^^that kid who is telling other kids to go back to school should read a book

LoydChristmas 11/19/2012 6:06:31 PM

fck i really want to use a Gilbert Grape quote but im comin up short so uh....yea, retarded people.

anonymous 11/19/2012 6:25:19 PM

Dudes who eat bean burritos and drink caffeine free diet coke are stoked, so is ineedsalt

anonymous 11/19/2012 7:12:42 PM

^^^^ This kid... secretly eats bean burritos and drinks something, something, something coke.

ineedsalt 11/19/2012 8:43:44 PM

anonymous2 hours ago Dudes who eat bean burritos and drink caffeine free diet coke are stoked, so is ineedsalt mmmm....burritos need hot sauce not salt. im going to flavor country!

blankzzz 11/19/2012 9:06:12 PM

pit veterans are stoked for the album, but also pissed that kids who listen to better music are not stoked.

anonymous 11/19/2012 9:10:50 PM

fcking hyped.Great band,even through out all these years!

sandpaperseatbelts 11/19/2012 11:28:00 PM

Godawful music. Shai halibut has always been a shit tier band so at least they can always have that. Very few bands have the longevity to be relevant after a decade, these shitbirds do not fit the bill. Also there haven't been any "pits" at shows since fear factory and PANTERA were cool.

anonymous 11/20/2012 1:23:26 AM


anonymous 11/20/2012 5:49:26 AM

median age of posts here = 14 yr/old

anonymous 11/20/2012 5:52:51 AM

face it, the entire sceneCore movement of the last 4-5 years has been near 100% talentless, and some of the most over recycle garbage shit riffs, drums, and breakdowns, usually your music has to be fast in order to have a break down which is slow, not go from superslow wannabe deathmetal to even slower open chord break downs with the singer doing youtube vocals. Everyone of these drummers suck and sound like they all come straight out of drumagog or whatever other click track program.

fourthgradecocktease 11/20/2012 7:03:04 AM

^ what a fcking crybaby! Go polish your grandfather's old, warted c-ck some more.

2000flushes 11/20/2012 7:19:40 AM

Good dudes, who make good music, and care about the jerk kids they play music for.

anonymous 11/20/2012 8:42:35 AM

Everyone who has a shitty taste in music and is a Goatfcker hipster on here isn't stoked. Lambgay nerds huff huge dong. SH are still legit.

stevenglasl 11/20/2012 9:56:10 AM

way pumped. this band is and always has been amazing

anonymous 11/20/2012 12:03:19 PM

ourthgradec-cktease4 hours ago "^ what a fcking crybaby! Go polish your grandfather's old, warted c-ck some more." ^ This pssy is the lead singer of "Tomorrow's Sunset Faded Yesterday, I love you Chelsea" fcking douche recycling depot. Shai Hulud atleast puts time and thought into there riffs, which can't be said to 100% of the bullshit excuse for music that's out now. pssy.

anonymous 11/20/2012 1:01:59 PM

What's with all the trolling and hate on this thread? Shai Hulud has a new album out so everyone should be excited. And those who aren't, well you shouldn't be on here anyway cause if you don't respect this band, you obviously don't know anything about the history of our scene. Go to some other site where they talk about A Day To Remember and Bullet For My Valentine all day.

anonymous 11/21/2012 1:55:19 AM

SH has easily the most original and intricate styles and they are so clean and precise and powerful, emotional and creative. One of the only bands this heavy that you should give a shit about. Anyone hating probably hopped on board yesterday and has absolutely no frame of reference. Probably jams sumerian records all day.

anonymous 11/21/2012 6:26:39 AM

anonymous posters unable to differentiate between the usages of "there" and "their" need to go back to grade school...

anonymous 11/21/2012 7:30:52 AM

This comment thread gave me AIDS.

anonymous 11/21/2012 9:01:48 AM

Cant wait for this to come out

big_metal_al 11/21/2012 9:50:46 AM

will take a listen to this one i suppose.

anonymous 11/21/2012 10:40:31 AM

lol @ the boring ghost inside comment.

anonymous 11/21/2012 4:18:47 PM

I heard from a reliable source RONNIE RADKE will be the new touring vocalist. Actually Radke will be doing screaming and Jonny Craig will be doing clean singing (on a trial basis).

populationcontrol 11/25/2012 4:37:57 PM

This is one of those bands I could never get into, I'm sure its still better then half the shit that kids love these days though.

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