Post Commentbad band + very bad band = record label getting punched in the nuts
no seriously, i havent heard it and i KNOW this will be horrible
Atreayu. I hate atreayu. That band sucks. Those dudes suck. THOSE DUDES AS DUDES SUCK. THAT BAND AS A BAND WITH THOSE DUDES AS DUDES THAT SUCK...... SUCK.
Music sounds exactly like bleeding through just with atreyu vocalist in the backround.Waste of a band.
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was going to say that. why would you send out a song with drums like this? nap now thank you
FierceFierceFierceFierceFi erceFierceFierceFierceFier ceFi erceFierce. This reached gay status after the word Fierce. FierceFierceFierceFierceFi erceFierceFierceFierceFier ceFi erceFierceFierceFierceFier ceFi erceFierceFierceFierceFier ceFi erce
i mean, its still way better than the last Atreyu record
sounds like shit fake drums terrible guitar overdubs shit vocals shit concept get murdered
If I was Meatloaf, somebodies dick is in need of being punched insideout. Borderline homos who think metalcore bands are awesome fashion statements are predominantly stoked. I forsee 2-3 shirt/merch lines already in the works.
What, no guest vox from Brandon Saller? He is pretty much the lead vocalist for Atreyu anyway
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this sucks