Post CommentI've heard of Alestorm, prove that I haven't.
Destiny Potato? Why couldn't they get Millennium Mango to open instead?
I've never heard of Alestorm. Are they like Halestorm, but without a chick and the shitty radio rock songs?
Destiny Potato Destiny Potato Destiny Potato Destiny Potato Destiny Potato Destiny Potato Destiny Potato Destiny Potato Destiny Potato Destiny Potato Destiny Potato Destiny Potato Destiny Potato Destiny Potato
Alestorm is infinitely better and more entertaining than Halestorm
People who play D&D in their moms bastufft are stoked.
Boring tour ever, btw Alestorm play retarded music for retarded people
^ i dont know a single person who plays that. youre welcome. the amount of proactiv users and elder scrolls playing nerds will be vast
Destiny Potato is perhaps the most original/fresh sounding band on this tour.. just checked them out and I can't wait for their release!!! Weird fcking name, but I'll probably remember it for life hahahah
Insomnium are incredible and Epica are okay, but eh... mih tour.
They should just have Insomnium play. No support needed.
first no fcking care ever in a million years