Post Commentfaceless and dying fetus will bring me out, despite the shite opening bands
Confused management...we'll open up new bands to new crowds..dummy butt tumbler
the gayless, job for a gay, dying gay, and last chance to gay gay alliance tour 20gay12
Every time i look on Lambgoat, i find a more reason to weep for the future of humanity. As if the Emmure, Blessthefall tour wasn't bad enough...
gay tour with gay metal bands. If I were volumes I'd drop the fck off away from rest of those retards.
Everyone hates everything here. I'm excited. We'll get some new faceless songs and last chance to reason is pretty sweet. Hope this mini tour stops close to or in st louis
This would be cool if planetary duality had just come out and derek, and brandon were still in the band but fast forward to 2011...no one gives a fck
COLUMBUS, OHIO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!
Wow. Must be nice being the band that pretty much kickstarted a successful label's career that also happens to be run by the one dude who practically owns all the tours that kids go to nowadays. Top billing over bands that not only have longevity under their belt(fetus) but also who just a few years ago practically owned myspace(jfac) and were the biggest thing since the wheel. Well played sumerian. Deserved? No, just like the majority of the rest of your headliners.
Volumes and The Faceless are both really good but its an interesting match up
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