Post CommentMr Atreyu is pulling the same shit as Bury Your Dead. Did the sell out radio rock, it didn't work, so now they go back to their 'mosh' ways. fck right off.
My God, this is fcking embarrassing and abysmal.
gay shit needs to die in a plane crash on board continental flight 82 on the way to china for a show.
Regardless of what band your in 1.7 million albums is legit. Lambgoat has turned into the TMZ of heavy music.
stoked cant wait.Honestly people can complain all they want but this not the same core vocals labels are signing day in and day out.
1.7 million albums is legit? boil yourself in acid along with those other idiots
I really wish that you would say that to one of those two dudes so I could watch them knock you're fcking head off. I wonder if you would ever have 1.7 anything, maybe tears in your beer you fcking gay.
Uh oh, Brandon's picking up the guitar again. I smell a "Until the Ink..."-era 18V reunion.
This is terrible... And I liked the sing-songy Atreyu stuff. Good god
well.... I guess this is better than atreyu... I guess...
So now they have I Am War and I Declare War on the same label. Way to be original.
2 bands I was into when I was 13... that's this bands potential crowd. Bleeding through circa 2003 is still cooler than every metalcore band I've heard in the last 6 years
super aggressive, heavy, energetic metallic, raw, punky hardcore
thanks for that lulzy last paragraph...i never would have possibly known who these two scene bro's were had it not been for that. seriously. Atreyu? Bleeding Through? no heard of evarrr
two sell-outs trying to reconnect with their once strong fanbase. guess the high lifes not all its cracked up to be
i will not buy borrow or steal. i have old 18v, dont need more
i hate his voice. if he wasn't yelping i'd give the music a chance. also if that first drum fill didn't sound fake as fck.
2004 called and they want their breakdown back
There comes a time when you're not relevant anymore; all your tattoos become mistakes of your past and your old bands, who's gimmicks worked 8 years ago, no longer work today. Sorry guys.. give up.
snorks gets it. take note, OC scene dudes.
At least that goofy drummer from Atreyu isn't on here singing
Hmmm... I like both bands but this doesn't work for me. I'd prefer more of Brandon's vox over Alex's. The two don't go together well at all! Hopefully the real album will sound better...
It makes total sense that they got popular in the era that open chugs were considered "real hardcore" or "punk".
Why? I can't even...my head is full of fck. just stop please stop.
fck, am i back in highschool? jesus let this shit die already its not 2000 anymore
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first, no care.