Post CommentWhat kind of idiot what have their SSC and Birth certicates on them don't they have visa's or some shit?
Why the fck would you carry your social security cards and birth certificates abroad when you have a passport?
Karma hit these guys hard for having such an awful band name. Will be donating 10 pence.
maybe the usa isn't so bad..you hear about more bands getting shit ganked in the UK
with all the thefts i see and read about, why havent any bands learned yet?? sucks, but its your own fault
xmusicx, with all the thefts we read about, you know full well at least a few of them are cons by the bands just to get paypal donations. not pointing any fingers though.
Those big dummies. You NEVER leave your shit in the van.
If your on the road, bet your ass jonny craigs' gonna try to jack you.
Unlike the US, when you're in the UK they jack your shit because they LIKE your band...
Loyd the more i hear, the more i believe what you say
"fck douche bag" is possibly the lamest insult ive ever heard.
glad to hear the bag of jewels was with the equipment.
too bad their desire to write shitty fcking songs didnt get stolen. fck this band
if i was webby i would direct the paypal payments for every shit band that set's one up after getting robbed on the road to my very own paypal account
too funny... don't they have every inch (or centimeter) of England on security cameras? I guess they are the douche bags leaving their cash in the van. International crime victim flip... UK money exchangers are stoked.
the chavs took it so they can buy more fake burberry caps.
get insurance you fcking retards. lambgoat isn't your fcking bail out spot. couldn't have happened to a more deserving bunch of turds.
first whatever