Post Commentbet this tour package is 800 bucks worth about 8 bucks
Like Moths To Flames? Seriously? Kids don't even try anymore..
Welcome to Flo'da 'n Pennsylvania -- we got hella shows
upon a burning body is dopeee. shitty no CA dates though
sorry but thats got to be the most original tour name for some of the most original and cutting edge contemporary heavy metal acts. expect many tight pants, huge plugs, and ghey haircuts
I the breather? who dug up that diamond in the coal mine
needssalt 2/1/2011 10:16:20 AM I the breather? who dug up that diamond in the coal mine bunch of MD kids I've never seen at a show, ever...
I listen to UABB when lifting, 5X/wk since Jan 1. Getting pretty jacked, gonna be getting my hands on one of those San Antonio UABB jerseys soon. They're $25, but I chipped in extra and sent $50 through paypal bc they're last album destroys.
Like moths to flames? You mean emarosa part 3?
Glad I didnt have to say it. But seems I have too celebrate 4-20 a few days. Early with my bitches
If it wasn't for all these sub-genres such as metalcore, deathcore and hardcore that you "metal heads" hate soooo much, metal would be as un-unique as rap. Metal has sub-genres, rap doesn't.
If it wasn't for The Color Morale being friends of mine, I would say... this tour is not worth the package price.
first gayshit