Post CommentThis is front page news?!?! Nothing but garbage on this tour.
Dr Acula is absolutely worthless. Go play more 2 song sets fckers.
Ender is probably the worst band ever.. Suitable tour
all of the hardcore want to be tough local bands of CT are stoked
if everyone on this tour fell off the face of the earth ... would anyone notice they were gone? i sure as heck wouldnt.
armor for the broken is good. the rest...meh.
dudes with messy hair an skinny jeans who also happen to live under a rock are stoked.
guitarist_sandy 7/8/2010 4:59:29 PM Ender is probably the worst band ever.. Suitable tour
i'll vouch for armor for the broken, good band and such etc. that's it
joshuamiasma 7/8/2010 11:30:15 PM Herpes is stoked. fck all these bands.
Hey guys welcome to (insert town). The show tonight has a really good turnout. Here's your guarantee, and right over there are some pizza and beer. You guy's need a place to stay tonight? <---something theyll never hear on this tour.
I heard the singer for Dr. Acula tries to fight girls throwing down
i_talk_shit 7/8/2010 11:18:58 PM Emmureder? haha YES!
xmusicislifex is so stoked that he asked his mom if he could borrow her car to see the show. afterwards, he will let an elderly man with down syndrome give him an angry dolphin.
first show is in Richmond....FML, please die in a fire
girls in shreveport are so bummed they aren't boning the singer for dr acula right now.
wildcard_charlie: first show is in Richmond....FML, please die in a fire Backed 100% Whoever gave dr. acula a record contract should be shot
dr. acula isnt allowed in vermont. they suck so it doesnt really matter
ender is fcking terrible. terrible terrible shit. fck you.
i was at that VT show. fcking hilarious how unprofessional those fcks are. vanflipx10000000000000 for dr acula