Post CommentI like the little burp noise he throws in every 30 seconds. lol.
They changed the spelling and as a result their name now means something completely different
at my mom's house at my mom's house at my mom's house at my mom's house at my mom's house at my mom's house at my mom's house at my mom's house at my mom's house at my mom's houseat my mom's house
fck yeah, Iowa! Keep bustin out the sick mixes.
I guess I'll check it since Navene wrote the music
sweet can't wait to hear johnnys shitty highs all over this
"I'm truly amazed that a small project I started in my bedroom at my mom's house" i am guessing this guy is a lambgoater
oh cool, a new faceless album.....................................
Really talented drummer, but way to fcking piss all over it by recruiting that lunkhead on vocals.
xmusicislifex 6/24/2010 11:12:37 PM "I'm truly amazed that a small project I started in my bedroom at my mom's house" i am guessing this guy is a lambgoater<--that means he's probly readin this. Hey! You Suck!
wow, this shit is actually worse than JFAC and animosity. didnt think it was possible. its like whitechapels extra retarded cousin.
Animosity was never, at any point, a grind band
anything is better than whitechapel. These 2 are not even in the same league. Cool sounding stuff. does sound a little too much like Cheap Error or Born of The Faceless.
Guitar leads on Mental Illness are a terrible The Faceless ripoff...
metal band death metal band death metal band death metal band death metal band death metal band death metal band death metal band death metal band death metal band death metal band
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hmm worth a check out