Official press release:
Metal Blade Records has announced the signing of the Slovenian thrashers Negligence. The band is currently mixing its second album, "Coordinates Of Confusion," for a late summer release.
Negligence was formed in 2000 by Dyz and Jey, two excellent Slovenian guitarists who shared the same passion for music and decided to start working together. They soon found a proper and stable lineup and played lots of shows in their homeland, including a gig at the infamous Metalcamp festival. Between 2003 and 2005 they also released three unnamed demos.
2005 marks a turning point in the history of Negligence when they parted ways with their old singer and presented the 15-year old Alex as their new frontman. The band in 2007 independently released its debut album, "Options Of A Trapped Mind." Following the release, the group went on to promote the CD supporting some of the biggest acts in metal, such as Exodus, Forbidden, Heathen, Sadus, and Death Angel, among others.
At the end of 2009, longtime member Dyz parted ways with the band but was still part of the pre-production for the second album Negligence recorded. The folks at Metal Blade were all excited about what they heard and signed Negligence right away.
Comments the band: "We are very, very proud to become a member of one of the greatest metal record labels in the world and will proudly carry the flag of true metal enthusiasts and metal gurus which is Metal Blade Records!"
Negligence is:
Alex - Vocals
Jey – Guitars
Aljo - Guitars
Lipnik - Bass
Ruzz - Drums
For more information, visit
Post Comment
6/8/2010 10:28:27 PM
Why are so many people neglecting this news??
6/8/2010 11:52:25 PM
"Negligence sing with Metal Blade Records! (view more) "
6/9/2010 1:18:30 AM
Looks like Brian Slagel signed another shit band in exchange for a favor...but seriously this band must have sucked a dck to get signed.
6/9/2010 6:25:23 AM
these guys should not get too excited. being the 50th band in 2 years to get signed to a label that is on its way out due to mismanagement isnt much of an accomplishment nor an asset
6/9/2010 9:49:28 AM
The folks at Metal Blade were all excited about what they heard and signed Negligence right away. <---impulse signing. will regret after the first album fails to sell like an AILD record
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