NewsApril 12, 2010 5:15 PM ET4,520 views

Metal Blade Records signs Nightfall

Official press release: Metal Blade Records is proud to announce the signing of the Greek Black/Gothic Metal Gods, Nightfall. Nightfall formed in 1991 in Athens and have released seven albums since then. After the temporary fold of their wings for a few moments-cum-years, they enter the scene again with a brand new opus under the magnificent title Astron Black & The Thirty Tyrants! Mainman Efthimis Karadimas has announced the new line-up of Nightfall as follows: Efthimis Karadimas (vocals) Evan Hensley (guitars) Stathis Kassios (keyboards) Jörg Uken (drums) Comments singer Efthimis on the deal with Metal Blade: "Nightfall are pleased and beyond excited to announce their signing of a recording contract with Metal Blade Records, one of the world's premier heavy metal record labels! It will be a pleasure to join the ranks alongside such fine and talented groups as Six Feet Under, Amon Amarth, God Dethroned and classics such as Slayer, Mercyful Fate, Sacred Reich, Fates Warning, and Lizzy Borden to name just a few. Although the ink on the deal is still fresh, it is safe to say that with Metal Blade behind them, Nightfall will be charging ahead into the new decade at full speed!" More details and release dates for the new Nightfall record Astron Black & The Thirty Tyrants will be announced shortly but we can already announce that all fans of the classical Nightfall records from the early to mid-nineties (Athenian Echoes anyone?) and lovers of classical dark but heavy bands like Moonspell or Samael will adore Astron Black & The Thirty Tyrants!


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ludicrous_speed 4/12/2010 2:17:35 PM


lightafireinthesky 4/12/2010 2:34:56 PM

These guys fcking blow, the only way to redeem themselves is to add a motograter player to the band.

IHatePubes 4/12/2010 3:15:09 PM


WakingTheCadaverSucks 4/12/2010 3:37:58 PM

"cum-years." that is all.

stooooopid 4/12/2010 3:39:19 PM

This band blows. Well...I guess that would explain the "cum-years".

LoydChristmas 4/12/2010 3:47:00 PM

You lost me at "cum years". What the fck is up with long press statements lately? Just say "shit label signs shit band; both parties are stokes to be doing shit together. The end."

TripleSix 4/12/2010 4:25:47 PM

I liked "Athenian Echoes" and "Eons Aura" a lot. So this could be good...

m_kwd 4/12/2010 5:28:18 PM

wow...just pretty much wow. cannot believe this band is still around. early stuff was ok, but always had terrible production.

Chet 4/12/2010 5:47:35 PM

Where my dawgs at?

hawkhowls 4/12/2010 6:47:02 PM

Wtf is with the Motograter comments, what did I miss?

TheVillain 4/12/2010 9:31:34 PM

m_kwd 4/12/2010 5:28:18 PM "wow...just pretty much wow. cannot believe this band is still around. " Ironic statements are ironic.

chicken_gang_bang 4/13/2010 2:25:34 AM

sounds dreadful

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