Post Commentthey changed their band name like 203456923406902306 times
fall out boy covers comeback kid -_-
they changed the name twice.... stoked on this
"A lot of my lyrics up to this point on the Burning Empires material is anti-civilization. Whether it be questioning the role of technology and domestication..." - posted from iPhone
A lot of my lyrics up to this point on the Burning Empires material is anti-civilization. Whether it be questioning the role of technology and domestication, or examing the coercion built into social hierachy.GO PACK GO gays
The line is premiering three new shirt designs this season which the guys describe as their "evil crust punk looking shit." ---- fcking failure. LYKE OMG LETZ START A CRUST CLOTHING LINE LULZ. fcking Hot Topic garbage
"with nary a melodic or metal shred in site." "musically I wanted to do a band in relation to Misery Signals, a more punky hardcore version of what we were doing influenced by bands like Propaghandi, Comeback Kid and Cursed." FAIL
never thought i'd be stoked on this. but i REALLY am.
just because of that picture...i will purchase anything they do...go pack!
In related news Fall Out Boy will tour with Comeback Kid in summer 2010.
I wanna talk shit but I don't know why I just have this feeling that this might be kinda fcking badass
You'd think with the success of Fallout Boy, Hurley would be able to afford a place without roommates. This will probably be good though. Almost as good as that promo photo, an I'm not joking.
I'm an ideas man Michael, I think I proved that F--k Mountain. *high five*
threexs 11/3/2009 1:29:09 PM I'm an ideas man Michael, I think I proved that F--k Mountain. *high five* Way to go GOB!!
This is going to rule. Andy Hurley is a solid drummer and Misery Signals rules. Hell yeah.
I was at their first show last week, it was fcking intense great dudes and decent music.
i can't stop laughing at that retarded promo pic. good job, dudes.
the cat in the #94 Jersey looks like he should be the guy whose head was shrunk in the afterlives office in Beetlejuice.
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