Post CommentI'm so confused as to why this was posted on here.
what the fck is this and why is it here? fck every one of these bands
Yeah, how did this get on Lambgoat? Regardless, sucks all around.
i like SYG but im not gonna pay the amount they are gonna ask for at house of blues
emmure should be on this. fck this vanflip
15 year old girls are pumped and are already asking their parents to take them SYG owns, rest of the lineup iss gay
Whoaaa son. What the fck is this shit? Oh well. Set Your Goals is good...
Weird post. Despite the fact that Mayday Parade's ex-singer Lancaster is more talented than 50% of bands here on lambgoat.
dude fck set your goals bunch of 15 year old molesters
Set your goals are so much fun live, just saw them in richmond and it was a grand ole time.
syg should be headlining. without them this tour wouldnt do too hot.
syg....since when is blink 182 hardcore???
What the fck is SYG doing on this horrible tour?
cousingoat cuz syg got pretty horrible over the past couple of years
awesome, a bunch pssy's singing in pssy bands but with the exception of set your goals trying to act hard but are still pssy's. god i love pssy. tour flip.
What is with all the SYG love? That shit is terrible.
There is no love for syg, they blow hard. There much better bands out doing that pop/hardcore crossover. They should quit at life.
stay the fck away from me. SYG with other gay bands? No thanks.