Post Commentbands aren't down with the jew-hatin'. good for them.
*eats Aids* has been confirmed to replace both cephalic carnage and cattle decapitation for the rest of the week
DAMN IT. I was really looking forward to seeing cattle decapitation and cephalic carnage.
I was planning on going to this, but the $25 ticket price isn't worth 2 bands..
what two bands? its only Mayhem on the "tour"
http://www.metalinjection.net/dispatches-from-th e-van/exclusive-demise-blackened-fest
mayhem reunion was bullcrap anyway. somebody died back in the day, leave it to rest money-grabbers. the music sucked, the only thing that made mayhem famous was the cannibalism.
Doesn't help that the Denver show had to compete with Testament the same night.
They should put Matisyahu to fill in. At least he has a beard.
"fck Christians. fck the Pope. fck the Jews." *awkward silence* - Mayhem in Denver.
*drops the fck off the tour* - the rest of the bands in Denver
Mayhem tried to eat the other bands i bet...
I was really hoping for political controversy.
Nachtmystium and Argohoslent could replace them and they could goose-step across America.
mayhem in minneapolis- dude looks like sammi curr, fcking clown shoes!
fck. i was going to go to this this weekend for Marduk.
this goes out to cultureofwaste, there wasnt a mayhem reunion, and there never was any canabalism, that was an unconfirmed rumor
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