Post Commentthis is my first first post. Which brings me to the subject of how hollow a subject this band is. It swallows me up... like the nothing... the nothing... the nothing... the nothing...
Fine, I'll just go back to hunting the Purple Buffalo...
if you hadn't written such a long shitty comment it could have been your big break
"Failed bailouts, unemployment on the rise, troops still in Iraq—I watch all this stuff on the news and it carries over to the sessions. It gets me fired up.".....and then i get in my tour bus and play shows 250 days a year....cry about it homo
better comment: devilondemand can suck it. suck it good. maybe that'll be your big break. pdiddle my skittle fool.
I'm pretty sure this was the one post I never thought I'd see on Lambgoat. Next up, Coldplay.
*attempts to pilfer band's talent, realizes there is none, leaves.*
The best chance of producing a good "heavy hardcore" record is definitely to work with seether and saliva's producer. He's produced some of the best hardcore records (obviously I'm referring to salivas 2001 opus every 6 seconds) in the past 20 years.
Everyone in hot topic just gooed in their skinny jeans.
Its gets me soo pumped up Ima start Muy Thai training for this record
They're a great slamming live band with amazing power and a great signature sound. This is going to be a helluva record. LOL!
says the vocalist. "I watch all this stuff on the news and it carries over to the sessions. It gets me fired up." we can't repel douchebaggery of that magnitude!
to begin work on the highly anticipated follow-up to 2007's Lead Sails Paper Anchor. Anticipated by who??? "We started as a heavy hardcore band," says lead vocalist Alex Varkatzas Really?? This is the biggest news post of pure lies ever.
AND THERE Kids_will_be_skeletons goes again. Every single post that is just the worst thing in the world hes stoked about. I just don't know...I'm a little embarrassed for him. fck...
"hell yeah!" - vinnie paul Oh and kids will be skeletons is a gay
No one everywhere is totally psyched about this.
30 songs!? proof that this bullshit can be written in a matter of seconds hahahah
when I really wanna let loose all my frustration about everything that is wrong in the world today I furiously jam out to Atreyu, they really understand
yo remember krang from tmnt? what ever happened to that nigawhats this post about?
funny comments here. I can't wait to fight someone to this aggro-core shit!!!
I dont know these guys are realizing how fcking gay that last cd was.I got money says the get dropped after this cd
ugh...I was hoping they had fallen ill to swine flu or some shit.
Fine, I'll just go back to hunting the Purple Buffalo... that joke was totally lost on 85% of everyone on this board, but i loved it
"We started as a heavy hardcore band," hahahahahahahahahahahAhAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Its band when emmure_vocalist is making fun of you. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Its bad when emmure_vocalist is making fun of you. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
oh man, no. please fcking melt in a fire.
fck yeah bitch this is gonna be great atreyu rocks!!!
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Ugh, why???