Official press release:
The End Records have signed Brooklyn, New York's experimental rock band Made Out Of Babies. Rapidly gaining notoriety for producing some of the most original, emotionally charged music, the band is set to release their most explosive album to date: The Ruiner.
"The Ruiner is drastically different from our other releases (Trophy, 2005 and Coward, 2006, Neurot Recordings)," relates the band. "From start to finish, creating this album has involved exploring new, and sometimes unusual, methods of collaborating, writing and recording."
Guitarist Brendan Tobin built his own studio where the band spent months writing and demoing new material. When accomplishing new writing goals began to require more hours than there are in any given day, an unorthodox schedule began to unfold. Brendan Tobin (guitar), Cooper (bass) and Matthew Egan (drums) wrote and demoed songs part of the week. Tobin and singer Julie Christmas met separately to work on vocals.
The decision to make The Ruiner the best record possible required each member of the band to try new things, to break old habits and to learn a great deal about their respective instruments and working together as a band. The result was nine new tracks that fully showcase the individual and collective talents of the quartet. The Ruiner is tumultuous, violent, vicious, introspective, sweet, massive, complex and raw all at once – qualities only hinted at in small doses in the first two releases.
The band tracked and mixed the nine new songs with producer/engineer Andrew Schneider (Cave In, Converge) of Translator Audio in Brooklyn. The album also features guest appearances by Jason Watkins (keyboards, Mouth of the Architect) and Greg Burns pedal steel, Red Sparowes).
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