okay webby, that tears it
withdeadhandsrising 1/22/2022 6:19:14 PM
i don't know how you gathered my personal info
and now you're making fun of me?
i hope you can buy a lawyer with used metalcore detritus, punk
withdeadhandsrising 1/23/2022 9:03:05 AM
i didn't even notice the ad below
pro_rear_discharge_deck is also my name
withdeadhandsrising 1/23/2022 9:38:12 AM
withdeadhandsrising 137 days ago
trind got tricked into watching jurassic park because someone told him it was a movie about predators stalking children on an island and he thought it was about his hero epstein
withdeadhandsrising 1/23/2022 10:05:43 AM
trind watches the "that is one big pile of shit" scene and gets upset because 1) that's mostly how he's addressed in public and 2) he gets enraged any time he sees an animal has shit outside because he doesn't understand why he's forced to wear a diaper
VodkaVeins 1/23/2022 10:07:33 AM
Trind is the "six the turkey" kid with the stupid oversized shorts from the beginning.
HOUSE_OF_HORSEKONNEN 1/23/2022 10:08:45 AM
every piece of clothing he owns made for adults is oversized. you know how hard it is to find a moomoo in tween size with the muscle dilapidation of a 45 year old virgin?
withdeadhandsrising 1/23/2022 10:22:13 AM
trind's mother told him people get snatched off the toilet by a t-rex all the time to make him feel better about the diaper situation but it's because, much like the dinosaurs' closest relative the bird, trind has a cloacae instead of an anus and cannot control when he shits.