The Legend of Zelda
VodkaVeins 21 days ago
Been playing this at work for the last two weeks. I even got a cool usb NES controller.
I've never done "second quest" but I think I'm gonna give it a whirl.
Cool f*ckin' story, bro.
VodkaVeins 21 days ago
A bunch. I set these up in my classroom and basically grabbed every game I've ever heard of
lurkcity 21 days ago
i recently bought a handheld with 15K retro games on it from GTA5 all the way to atari. it was $35.
VodkaVeins 21 days ago
Does that thing actually emulate GTAV decently?
I'm sure its fine for nes/snes/sega etc...but if it actually runs GTAV for $35 that's impressive
lurkcity 21 days ago
Bortslob 28 minutes ago
That looks pretty awesome.
Does it have donkey kong?
probably all of them
i should have sprung the extra $5 for the 128gb version with 20k games