Xchimp_chamberX 12 days ago
I guess this band has been around for a while? I heard this song today, it reminds me of Necrophagist. Also death metal is always better when you don't see the guys playing the music imho
Xchimp_chamberX 12 days ago
i think i zoned out on the breakdown, why did they have to do that for more than a measure?!? grahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Xchimp_chamberX 12 days ago
they f*cking did the breakdown again, I take back my compliments and this thread.
Xchimp_chamberX 12 days ago
the fast chaotic parts and the groove they build off of it are awesome but then it stops to do one of those f*cking breakdowns where its like staccato blast for 1/8th of the thing and the rest is silent with the crash hitting... that shit was fun in 2001 in basements and skateparks and shit but bAAAHHHHHHHHHDamNGT, needs more face ripping. Gonna have to check more of their stuff out to see if they need to throw them breakdowns in every song or not
Xchimp_chamberX 12 days ago
yah a bit of them but i never got too into them, or as mch as necrophagist at least.
Xchimp_chamberX 12 days ago
i think we heard the same show because that was a death metal band that came right before it, i was out driving to get weed and all the stations were playing song I didn't like so I went to liquid metal for a second and didn't see them playing like, jinger or whattf ever so I stayed a bit, took off mi jacket
Xchimp_chamberX 12 days ago
Lithium would be listenable if there weren't a f*cking Pearl Jam every 3 songs. I hate Pearl Jam.