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Who is physically uglier in the face

Xchimp_chamberX 40 days ago
LurkCity or d0thack?

Bortslob 40 days ago
Are you the ragingf*ckman?

Xchimp_chamberX 40 days ago
I am BULL's dad.

Bortslob 40 days ago

Xchimp_chamberX 40 days ago
d0thack looks like Rocky Dennis but with some extra mope to him. LurkCity looks like Junior Gorg from Fraggle rock tried meth. this stuff is tougher to figure out than Joe Biden's diaper changing patterns.

Bortslob 40 days ago
Dot looks like wembley from fraggle rock

Xchimp_chamberX 40 days ago
He actually does. But, if Wembley were a sad, beaten down, alcoholic who wrote letters to Uncle Matt about how he works undercover for the Dozers and the real Wembley died years ago from suicide. He was murdered.

Bortslob 40 days ago
I always thought that was exactly what wembley looked like

Xchimp_chamberX 40 days ago
lol d0t is such a pathetic punching bag. I bet homeless dogs piss on him in the streets because he smells just like trash.

Xchimp_chamberX 40 days ago
you know those people who are uncomfortably ugly? where you're around them in public and the kindness of yer heart makes you want to be nicer to them than the average person because even sin isn't that ugly? that's d0t. lurk kind of looks like an average guy who had too many drake cakes and not enough physical activity till long after the babyfat stuck around

Xchimp_chamberX 40 days ago
I thought long and hard on it. It's kinda like trying to figure out if something is watery tequila throw up or watery mexican food diarrhea.