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Replacing dot with ai

Inkongudunk 58 days ago
Here's my cell phone! I'm so real, you can blah blah blah *crickets*

easyhateoven 58 days ago
haha yeah i wonder who actually called/texted him

lurkcity 58 days ago
no one, no one ever did thats probably why he posts it here, in hopes someone does. how many bathroom walls has he wrote it on is the real question.

lurkcity 58 days ago
"im looking for a good time, or pen pal, please"

Xchimp_chamberX 58 days ago
Dude, Stephan, you shouldn't post your email on here. Warren and I from HR have already had to discuss if we can keep you on, you're only a few weeks away from getting your forklift cert... think about it twice and make the right choice. We believe in you, but your performance has gradually declined since we all came back to work the floor after the pandemic. I know your son is going to turn 7 and Marakete is adjusting to life in Warrensburg, but please, you have to cut this shit out dude.

easyhateoven 58 days ago

lake_flaccid 58 days ago
My god. It's like trind left and dot literally morphed into him to fill the void he left behind. We all have shit we say about lurk, but f*ck you dot for making of his mom like that. Absolute f*ckin loser.

Xchimp_chamberX 58 days ago
show some respect, he just died driving a front loader off a bridge. he was MURDERED>

Inkongudunk 44 days ago

Xchimp_chamberX 44 days ago
d0t was murdered and has risen again with his 90 day chimp_chip

easyhateoven 44 days ago
bless these fish sticks