What games do you play?
whitey 56 days ago
Apex but I hate it but all my friends play it so its nice to chat with the boys because they got kids and shit.
Been on NCAA CFB25 obviously as well.
Used to play DayZ with my brother but I can't stand it, plays so bad
plaguestricken 55 days ago
Day Z is such a cool concept but it's a huge time waster. f*ck that game.
Currently playing:
Halo Infinite (always in rotation)
Elden Ring DLC
Resident Evil 4 remake on VR2
cervical_lancer 55 days ago
Still playing black myth wukong. Think I'm on the last chapter. I dunno, it's fun to beat the shout out of people with a stick.
plaguestricken 55 days ago
I wanna play wu kong next but I have a back log of games I also want to play, which is great for having patience and waiting until most of these games go on sale.