Abby/Wade are all stoked
Inkongudunk 25 days ago
I'm actually an early 20s trans Crunk rapper yall
I love how being boring and unfunny (according to the discord) can break people's minds so severely
Inkongudunk 25 days ago
I've been called all sorts of things. The funniest used to be trind saying I had 11 fingers. Not sure why or how it was an insul but it was fun. This is the new peak of "broken" and it's just delightful
Inkongudunk 25 days ago
Just to note, cuz I know he's hate reading this.
I had a song written about me by girls who run in 2001. That was 20+ years ago fella lolollll
Inkongudunk 25 days ago
Sorry, I'm messing with that sortblob dude who got banned because he's mentally ill